--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> For those who pride themselves either on their corpulent egos or their
> misguided belief in their own writing abilities (or both), we are
> pleased to announce a mini-contest on Fairfield Life.

Do you ever stop long enough to read what you write and realize it's all about 
I have to say, you are the strangest, blindest human bean I have ever 

> The duration of
> this contest extends through the rest of 2013, and will be repeated
> annually. The recipient will receive the coveted Robin Carlsen
> Narcissism Trophy, a large statuette of the word ME carved by a known
> artist from a solid block of bullshit, and then gold-plated.
> The rules of this contest are simple:
>     * You must write a number of "serial posts," each with the same
> Subject line, each lambasting some personal enemy who has affronted you,
> and whom you must officially Take To Task, For The Greater Benefit Of
> Humanity.
>     * Each of these serial posts must be (in honor of the poster whose
> name adorns the trophy) a minimum of 3,000 words in length. You may
> "pad" your entries somewhat by including long quotes from the person you
> are ragging on, but if the word count of these quotes exceeds your own
> verbiage, you risk disqualification.
>     * Each of the serial posts in a series must have a singular focus, in
> that most of the rants have to be trying to "get" one specific enemy. Of
> course you can throw in the occasional tirade against *other* people on
> this forum you hate, but again if you include too many, you risk
> disqualification.
>     * The number of posts to be included in this series is up to you, but
> be warned that the "standard" in this contest was set by its namesake,
> so any number less than five in a row, separated by any more than a day
> between posts, will be perceived (and rightly) as the slacking it is.
>     * At the end of your post series, to qualify for the award you must
> present an impassioned, whiny plea/demand to the hate-object you are
> ragging on (and to anyone else reading your post series) to RESPOND, and
> in fact respond by arguing with you about *every* point you made. You
> are free to impugn their character in any way you want if they do NOT
> respond, and you are free to make multiple whine-posts demanding a
> RESPONSE, even after the series is over.
> Points will be awarded for the total number of posts per series, total
> word count, and amount of sheer invective hurled, as well as lack of
> creativity and bad writing (which we assume is a given for anyone
> entering the contest).
> Extra points will be awarded for achieving near-Robin-like levels of
> manic narcissism and obsession, as demonstrated by the posts being made
> late at night, well after midnight posters' time, staring glassy-eyed at
> the screen and spewing venom non-stop in a veritable shitstorm of
> invective. (This should not be a problem for anyone choosing to enter
> such a contest, judging from past history.)
> *Serious* extra points will be awarded to posters taking their *own*
> faults and weaknesses and projecting them onto their enemy.
> Good luck, and may the Best Narcissist win...

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