Xeno, I *almost* always enjoy your writing. I only say almost because I'm sure 
there has been at least one time when I did not enjoy your writing. I find your 
writing to be simple but profound and often humorous, one of my favorite 
combinations. Hmmm, I bet there's a spiritual practice in there somewhere (-: 

Anyway, I actually think everyone's writing is a combo of emotions and 
thoughts. How could it be otherwise? We are all a mix of thoughts and emotions 
and physical states. In one way or the other, consciously or unconsciously, 
these thoughts and emotions and physical states will be expressed in every word 
and action of ours.

So I imagine a continuum with intellect at one end and emotions at the other. 
We all fall somewhere on that continuum. I think I'm pretty much in the middle, 
call it being intuitive and blame that on my Venus Mercury conjunction ha ha. 
I'd say Ravi's writing is the most emotionally expressive on FF. And it makes 
me laugh especially when I'm not his target, but sometimes even when I am. 

As a Literature major I learned to find emotions in the subtler aspects of 
writing such as word choice and phrasings. For example, when turq tells me to 
STFU or don't be an ass, I think he's expressing an emotion. I like the 
spontaneity of his word choice, the honesty of his emotion. I think his recent 
writing about being home is beautiful.

Some writers here are very good at masking their emotions. I wouldn't put you 
in that category. Nor do I think you are without emotion. My guess is that your 
default emotion is benign interest or amusement. 

 for Robin, I can't tell when he's being straight forward and
 when he's being ironic. It's just one
 aspect of his
 writing that makes communicating with him challenging for me. But when I 
reread his last exchange with Curtis, I came to the conclusion that sometimes 
Robin can't help himself. I think at some point in that exchange, his brain 
simply shifted into another mode of functioning. And I'm not ascribing any 
psychological label to this.

As for taking responsibility for one's actions: that goes without saying. But I 
also believe that we are in relationship with others and they have a certain 
amount of effect on us. To think otherwise is to delude ourselves IMHO. Better 
to have that out in the open. Just for fun: Honey, when you squeeze the 
toothpaste from the middle, I think you don't love me. So many ways a spouse 
could reply to that, right?

Ok, Xeno I think you've inspired what's rare for me: getting to 50 posts. 
That's it til tomorrow. I don't like to post on Friday night. Just one of my 
loveable quirks.

PS to Emily regarding Attachment Disorder:
 yes, thank you, I seem to be getting better, am less reactive and suffer less. 
I'm grateful.

 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius <anartax...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, July 5, 2013 11:02 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Announcing the Robin Carlsen Memorial Narcissism 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> turq, I enjoy some of what Robin writes and think he adds to the richness of 
> FFL so would welcome his return.

That would be interesting, but post length limits, and paragraph length limits 
might make it easier to wade through.


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