On 07/10/2013 09:14 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> nablusoss1008:
>> Judy just posted 43 pages to FFL. Do learn to
>> snip before posting!
> Addressing the important issues!
> Yeah, but at least Judy and Barry format for easy
> reading. Go figure.
> Have you ever tried to read text on a 40 inch
> screen, from edge to edge. It looks so dumb when
> people do that. LoL!
> All they have to do is a little re-formatting -
> don't use the  text wrap, just hit enter about
> keying 25 or 30 characters.

Still living in the 1980s, eh?  Yahoo formats the posts anyway.

And nothing looks worse
than this
for a short sentence.

> Text reads easier when  formatted to book size
> and people are used to reading paragraphs in
> books and newspapers. Like this.

I though you were supposed to be tech literate?  At least on Thunderbird 
you can select "View Source" and see that Yahoo formats the posts.

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