--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" <anartaxius@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > 1. The absence of snipping keeps the original context. 
> > But often a reply is only directed to a portion of 
> > whatever was in a post, so it depends.
> And besides, only the truly paranoid give a shit if
> someone snips part of what they said. I mean, give
> me a break...AS IF *anything* ever said on this
> forum was worth preserving its "context."  :-)
> > Judy and Barry format with newspaper sized columns. 
> > This works pretty well for preserving the format 
> > unless the material has been requoted in Yahoo 
> > many times, or the viewing screen is very small, 
> > then lines may break erratically.
> I do it mainly out of habit, and because I'm a 
> bit of a nitpicker when it comes to such things.
> If you haven't noticed, I often reformat the 
> original quoted text so that it *doesn't* get
> messed up after multiple quotes. It's an OCD
> thang, perhaps, but it amuses me. :-)
> > Note, when he was here, Robin used to reformat all 
> > his discussions with people's names and a number 
> > to indicate how far back in the conversation or 
> > diatribe that was going on. That also worked well.
> For you, perhaps. I thought it was the dumbest
> affectation I've ever seen on the Internet. I
> mean, *really*, he did it so that all of *his*
> precious words got reposted over and over and
> over, AS IF someone was actually going to read
> them this time. :-)

Been a while at the cafe now Barry? You seem to have crossed the threshold and 
just consumed your "mean drink". That usually means about the third of fourth 
of the night.

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