--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> (snip)
>> Curtis last posted to this forum on May 7, 2013. 
>> Since that time, he has been mentioned -- almost
>> always negatively -- in the following number of
>> posts by the following people:
>> Judy - 35
> Barry never looked at the actual list of hits he
> got from the archives, so when he says Curtis was
> mentioned "almost always negatively," he actually
> had no idea whether that was true.
> Folks will not be surprised to learn that not only
> NOT was it not true, but all but a handful of the 35
> mentions were in *quotes from someone else's post*--
> most often Barry's--not mentions by me at all.
> Plus which, even that handful of mentions of Curtis
> by me weren't "always negative." Most were in passing.
> None was "unfair," let alone false.
> Compare that to Barry's many long screeds against
> Robin that are stuffed full of malicious falsehoods
> and distortions and thoroughly unfair accusations.
> (snip)
>> In other words, it's *OK* for Judy and her friends
>> to obsess on the people *they* don't like, long after
>> they've left this forum, but if others do it to Robin,
>> that's bad.
>> Can you spell  H Y P O C R I T E ?  I think you can...
> Given what I just explained, I'm going to leave this here
> for folks to contemplate.
> (Susan, if you had any integrity... Naaah, never mind,
> silly to even suggest that.)

Out of 37 mentions of the word 'Curtis' in Judy's posts since May 8, only in 13 
does she write 'Curtis' originally, all other occurrences are requotes from 
other posts. In general I do not think the material below supports Barry's 
contention with regard to this series of posts. It is mostly all about who said 
what when, and Judy's insight into others and their motives, which is always 
more accurate than they themselves, or anyone else could ever muster. As the 
Greek Oracle's temple was inscribed: 'Know thyself' 
(&#947;&#957;&#8182;&#952;&#953; &#963;&#949;&#945;&#965;&#964;&#972;&#957;). 
The Suda, a 10th-century encyclopedia of Greek knowledge, says: 'the proverb is 
applied to those whose boasts exceed what they are', and that 'know thyself' is 
also a warning to pay no attention to the opinion of the multitude. How often 
on FFL do we pay heed to an injunction like this?

349718 [to Xeno]
I'll tell you what I told Curtis awhile back: I have a lot more faith in my 
sense of why you behave as you do than I do in what you tell me of why you 
behave as you do.
349297 [to Xeno]
That gave me a belly-laugh, Xeno. Somehow I doubt you're going to get much 
agreement on it other than from Barry, maybe Steve, and Curtis if he's reading 
349290 [to Xeno]
A context-switch worthy of Curtis.
349234 [to Steve]
Not if the person is in fact dedicated to truth, unlike the magician. Curtis 
isn't, you aren't (as I just got done noting), Barry obviously isn't. So it 
isn't at all surprising that the three of you would be anxious to portray a 
truth-teller as a deceiver, is it?
348981 [to Barry]
Interestingly--as Barry knows but doesn't dare mention-- *Curtis* "ran away and 
hid" after a *disastrous* series of exchanges with me that followed his 
exchanges with Robin. Robin wore him out, but I gave him the coup de grace.

As Barry knows, Robin promised not to post again unless Curtis responded to the 
four posts, which he knew Curtis wasn't going to do. And Robin was as good as 
his word.

Nope. But we can be sure that Barry will keep trying to get me to argue with 
him about Mel Gibson, since his attempts to lie about Robin have all been 
busted. We should all be asking if we dare to hope that Barry will pull a 

At least Curtis knew when to give up. ;-) ;-) ;-)
348686 [to Barry]
"There's no 'argument' involved here, inside myhead or anywhere else. Nobody is 
suggesting that Curtis was *right* to excuse the hitting, contrary to what 
Barry pretends in this post."

Right, that's why you wrote a whole long post about why Curtis's opinion didn't 
matter and why I must have NPD to suggest he was right.
348681 [to Barry]
But that's just what the Mystery Cultist *did* do. And that puts Barry in a 
very, very awkward spot, because the Mystery Cultist, as Barry has finally been 
forced to admit, was indeed Curtis, who hates Robin even more than Barry does.

There's no "argument" involved here, inside my head or anywhere else. Nobody is 
suggesting that Curtis was *right* to excuse the hitting, contrary to what 
Barry pretends in this post.
348522 [to Barry]
[Note added 6/28/13: Ann's response to Barry included her account of a single 
incident *onstage during a seminar* that suggested Robin may have struck a 
confrontee, although this wasn't crystal clear to her. Robin did not comment on 
this; he left FFL the next day, his only post after the Open Letter being a 
brief response to a particularly hurtful post from Curtis about the letter. The 
incident wasn't mentioned again until August, when LordKnows said the 
confrontee had told him he thought his jaw might have been broken. Robin didn't 
comment on this then either. We don't know why, and cannot know what Robin's 
version of this incident is unless he chooses to tell us at some point. But 
since he always anticipated that people from his group might show up here, it 
seems unlikely to me that he would have repeatedly denied ever having struck 
someone during a seminar unless, for whatever reason, he thought he had not 
done so.]
348306 [to Barry]
Robin has never addressed this incident; he left FFL very shortly after making 
his Open Letter post (in that case, Xeno, it *was* because of negative feedback 
about the post, primarily a particularly vicious one from Curtis).
347526 [to Barry]
Curtis had been here for *three weeks* before Robin came back, having made a 
total of 94 posts during that period.

Robin's first post was in response to particularly nasty comments of Barry's on 
a post of feste's, which had nothing whatsoever to do with Robin. Nor did it 
have anything to do with Curtis.

It was *Curtis* who decided to engage Robin now that *Robin* was back. Curtis 
immediately leaped to defend Barry. That's how that exchange started.

Notice, by the way, that Barry can't make up his mind whether it was Curtis who 
lured Robin back, or a post in which someone mentioned Robin.

Between the time Robin left at the end of December and when he came back to 
lambaste Barry, there had been probably around 150 posts mentioning 
Robin--including two from Curtis badmouthing him, the first one the day after 
Curtis returned, the second a week later. Yet it was another two weeks before 
Robin showed up to take Barry apart for his post to feste.
346563 [to Steve]
Don't worry about it, Steve. I thought it was hilarious. First Curtis, who 
mistakenly assumed he had the authority to pull it off, then az, then you, 
copying Curtis. All imagining you were landing a solid hit but just making 
yourselves ridiculous.
346487 [to Azgrey]
"You came, Curtis. I finally got you to come." [quoting Robin]
343482 [to Steve]
Of course, her claim that she was thinking only of men who leer at and fondle 
women on trains leaves poor Curtis in the lurch with *his* claim that "Share 
was juxtaposing the obvious level of horror of the incidents with language that 
got its message through to anyone who was not trying to use and absurd level of 
literal-mindedness for an unfriendly agenda."

Memo to Curtis: When you're trying to protect poor Share from the obligation to 
be accountable for what she writes, and at the same time take nasty swipes at 
those who criticize her for not doing so, make sure first that your 
disingenuous spin doesn't conflict with hers. The problem as I see it is the 
posters who are routinely malicious and deceptive (Barry, Curtis, and Share) or 
malicious and too stupid to get anything right or say anything meaningful 

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