So Trayvon was worried Zimmerman was a "gay rapist"
ass-craker?  That's homophobia and gay profiling! 


Mike Dixon:
> Looks like a new version of the Trayvon/Zimmerman encounter is developing, 
> see Drudge Report. Seems that on the Pierce Morgan Show last night that 
> Rachel Jeantel reported that race had nothing to do with the encounter . She 
> said that she and Trayvon thought Zimmerman might be a *rapist*, a homosexual 
> rapist at that and that's why Trayvon was Creeped-out by Zimmerman following 
> him. He didn't want Zimmerman following him to his home because his little 
> brother was there and might... It's looking more like Trayvon intended to 
> give Zimmerman the Mathew Shepherd treatment. Martin intended to beat the 
> snot out of the *fagot* that was stalking him. Zimmerman took a pounding for 
> 45 seconds and then fired in self defense. In short, Trayvon's homophobia 
> killed him.

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