On 07/17/2013 10:12 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>>> We'uns likes our guns.
>>> So, you'uns don't want to talk about the homophobe
>>> that started the fight and called Zimmerman a white
>>> ass-cracker. Go figure.
> Bhairitu:
>> So it's all about homophobes?  Like the homophobe on
>> FFL who frequently proclaims "I'm not gay"?
> Well, I think the thread of this post is 'Trayvon Martin
> was a Homophobic bigot', not whether or not you're gay.
> So, you don't want to talk about Trayvon Martin was a
> Homophobic bigot. Go figure.

You calling Trayvon Martin a homophobe is the pot calling the kettle 
black.  I invite folks here to look to do a search on FFL and see who 
uses the phrase "I'm not gay" the most even on stuff that isn't related 
to homosexuality.  Somebody sounds very scared and like a Texas cracker.

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