the fact that you believe this crap is the best reason in the Universe for the 
rest of us not to believe it.

 From: Richard J. Williams <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 10:16 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trayvon Martin was a Homophobic bigot


> He won't - just watch as I have predicted, it won't 
> be long before he is in trouble with the law again, 
> of course if his next victim is black and he commits 
> his next crime in the same neighborhood, the same 
> cops who don't give a rat's ass about black victims 
> will look the other way again.
Well I guess it's settled then - Trayvon Martin was a 
homophobic bigot, just like his friend Rachel said he 
was, who profiled George Zimmerman and then attacked 
and tried to kill him, calling him a ass-cracker. This
case had nothing to do with Trayvon being black or 
George being a 'white' Hispanic half-black like the
mass media is proclaiming. 

"Of all the young black shooting victims in this country, 
you can name 1. Because you've been trained like a circus 
seal to bark on command."


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