Just as a bit of uplift for poor Detroit, this
brilliant Chrysler commercial made for the 2011
Super Bowl, featuring Eminem:


Plus some cheer from a correspondent of journalist
and blogger James Fallows:

"...While the bankruptcy is sad, just as GM's bankruptcy on 1 Jun 2009 was, 
it'll be far sadder if Detroit can't continue to reinvent itself as it has from 
the darkest days of 2008-9. The bankruptcy is payment for the sins of the past 
- but this purgatory should lead Detroit on a path to success. There's no 
reason that Detroit can't mirror what North Carolina's Research Triangle did in 
the '90s and '00s. And considering how much Detroit has made America look at 
herself over its history - I think we should all be rooting for the Motor City 
to rocket forward from here."


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