I always wish the best for Detroit too. My first car was 1984 Chevy
Cavalier for $500, it only lasted a year though - but it was my fault - I
was new to cars, let the car overheat, damaged the transmission and
possibly the engine? Anyway my professional career was also kick started in
the Detroit area, working on developing an Inventory Control system for the
Chrysler Company Car Program.

Now a funny story. I used to be like the cold, heartless Xeno back then, of
course in my defense I was only 25 but I was training the employees there
and one of them was a single mom, really cute. I don't know how we got into
the discussion but I remarked, much like how Xeno does here, that children
are better off with both parents and she got really mad. She called me  a
Middle Easterner with multiple wives, I didn't correct her because she
already mad at that point. She did apologize to me later on, not sure if I
did - I must have. When I looked back it was very lame and totally devoid
of empathy.

On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 7:42 AM, raunchydog <raunchy...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> **
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... <no_reply@...>
> wrote:
> >
> > I didn't know much about Motown, until I met my step-sister, who grew up
> there. Also learned about Lake St. Clair, "the sixth Great Lake", and how
> Detroit was the Silicon Valley of the 50's and 60's. My stepmom's name was
> Pat Nixon - just not *THE* Pat Nixon...
> >
> > Regarding past products of Detroit, I had a 1966 Dodge Dart slant-6,
> column shift, station wagon, with an AM radio, hand crank windows, and no
> AC. I bought the car, in 1975 (for $500), because when I turned the engine
> on, the engine was soooo quiet. I think I put 100K on that car,
> cross-country.
> >
> > I also own a 1997 Jaguar XK8 coupe (my addiction), with a V-8, built in
> the UK, but fully redesigned by Ford, and they did an amazing job! The car
> is actually reliable, and has near instant response on the road.
> >
> > Yay Detroit!
> >
> >
> That's some sporty taste you have in cars, Doc. I paid $50 for my first
> car, an "as is" 1955 Ford. It had a bent crankshaft, so leaked oil like a
> sieve and backfired due to feeding FORD (fix-or-repair-daily) a weekly pint
> of Motor Medic, a motor oil supplement that sealed leaks. The goo was thick
> as honey but wasn't FORD's cause of death. My brother borrowed the car and
> totaled it but didn't hit a thing. How is that possible, one might ask? I'd
> noticed a high pitched squealing sound whenever I applied the breaks. I
> thought it was a loose fan belt. Wrong diagnosis. Applying the breaks and
> stopping the forward momentum of the car caused the fan to rub against the
> radiator...ergo, metal on metal squealing. It was a disaster waiting to
> happen. When the bro slammed on the brakes to avoid an accident, the bolts
> on the engine block came completely loose and the engine flew through the
> radiator.  FORD committed suicide.
> Apparently, the bankruptcy won't affect Detroit's spectacular North
> American International Auto Show held every year at Cobo Center, Detroit's
> downtown convention center is situated on the Detroit International
> Riverfront. Looking south across the river you see Windsor, Canada. Go
> figure.
> Detroit's auto show is a must see. The cars are cool and the models
> (women) are hot. Spotlights make the cars sparkle as they rotate on
> elevated daises. The men talk about the cars and slinky women walk and
> point Vanna White style at the cars.  Very sexy, depending on your taste in
> models (cars).  The last show I attended featured the 1975 stainless steel
> DeLorean DMC-12 sports car with gull-wing doors, made famous in the 1985
> movie Back to the future. What a car!
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@>
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Just as a bit of uplift for poor Detroit, this
> > > > brilliant Chrysler commercial made for the 2011
> > > > Super Bowl, featuring Eminem:
> > > >
> > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKL254Y_jtc
> > > >
> > >
> > > Thanks, Judy. Definitely an uplifting commercial. I recognized many
> familiar images of my home town. Way cool shots of the Fox Theater.
> > >
> > > My sister, an accomplished musician, even when she was 12 (I'm 7 years
> older) got to play a fabulous pipe organ at the Fox theater. Gigantic pipes
> fill the entire theater. It's a treasure.
> > >
> > > A man I was dating many moons ago, had a friend who played the organ
> at the Fox. We thought it would be a kick for my sister to meet the
> organist and play the organ. On a quite Saturday afternoon when no one was
> in the theater, my tickled pink little sister sat facing a four tiered
> organ console with hundred of stops. She was surprised that from the time
> she played a note until she could hear it took 1 or 2 seconds. The time
> delay threw her off, but what a thrill.
> > > http://farm1.staticflickr.com/27/39398348_22851d5567_z.jpg?zz=1
> > > http://youtu.be/hCDqP4_FM_c
> > >
> > > > Plus some cheer from a correspondent of journalist
> > > > and blogger James Fallows:
> > > >
> > > > "...While the bankruptcy is sad, just as GM's bankruptcy on 1 Jun
> 2009 was, it'll be far sadder if Detroit can't continue to reinvent itself
> as it has from the darkest days of 2008-9. The bankruptcy is payment for
> the sins of the past - but this purgatory should lead Detroit on a path to
> success. There's no reason that Detroit can't mirror what North Carolina's
> Research Triangle did in the '90s and '00s. And considering how much
> Detroit has made America look at herself over its history - I think we
> should all be rooting for the Motor City to rocket forward from here."
> > > >
> > > > Amen.
> > > >
> > >
> >

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