--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@> wrote:
> >
> > Hey, I never get involved in the Barry/Judy fued, too 
> > much like little brother/sister arguements. However,
> > I found *Dark Triad* post amusing...
> Thanks for getting it. 

Finding something "amusing" and "getting it" are not mutually exclusive.
> > ...people getting all defensive about it. "He's talking 
> > about me, I better nip that in the bud"! 

Hee, who wants to "nip"? I like, up to a point, watching Barry do his usual 
song and dance. It is faintly amusing because it is so predictable and he 
appears to love predictability in others. The thing he misses though is that 
the joke is always on him and he is the one inadvertently stepping in his own 
cow patty. No one is ruffled, no one is doing anything but playing with him. 
But he totally doesn't have a clue about who I am or what I think because he 
has never once called it correctly. THAT is the funny part for me. Barry is my 
toy boy. But I'm starting to get pretty bored 'cause the toy only has so many 
> Especially when one of the people doing this was NOT
> referenced in any way, 

No, you only have called me, in one form or another, a cult leader or, in this 
case, "(a) generic individual(s) who strongly resemble(s), say, former minor 
cult leaders", about twenty times. But hey, let me imagine, at least, that you 
obsess over me. My cultish narcissistic nature craves the belief that you do. 

>because I don't remember her
> *ever* staying up late to post her vitriol on FFL. 

Of course not, you don't read my posts let alone log the time I might have 
written them. Only some sort of lonely, empty obsessive would do something like 

> For her, that seems to just "spring forth" earlier
> in the day. Yet she *reacts* (remember my recent 
> post about "reactivity"?) by saying, "Admit it, 
> you're talking about me again," and then goes on
> for over 250 words "defending herself" against 
> *something that was never said or even hinted
> at about her*. :-)

Tee, hee, you fool no one (well, maybe Share and Mike). There is not one word 
of truth in that paragraph except that I get up early (thanks for noticing). 
Other than that, I hope you never have to testify in court about anything 
because telling the truth is not within your capabilities. Truly extra ordinary 
you are, Mr Wright.
> I had heard before that having a black tongue can
> be a symptom of bubonic plague, but I'd never heard
> that having a chronically brown nose could be a 
> symptom of senility and the loss of one's mental
> faculties.  :-)

I hadn't heard that one either. Share, you better check that out with someone 
and get back to me, I think Barry is worried about his nose and possible 
diagnosis as demented.
> > LOL people, Barry really pushed some buttons on this one.
> Yeah, he really did, didn't he? And all in a short 
> rap that took less than three minutes to write, while
> he was waiting for the photos he took this morning to
> upload so that he could post them here.
> "Do less, accomplish more..."  :-)

A superman and a swell guy. Barry, you are truly a wonderworker: it appears you 
can shit and upload a couple of photos at the same time. And thanks again for 
the entertainment. I look forward to another of your little gems this evening. 
But for now, I gotta get going, I've a got a few normal, well-adjusted people 
to meet for a ride in the country.
> > ________________________________
> >  From: authfriend <authfriend@>
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 5:40 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Night of the Dark Triad"
> >   
> >  
> >    
> >  
> > --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula 
> > <chivukula.ravi@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I hope you are not talking about me Barry baby 'cause I
> > > have been known to get really malevolent and shit on
> > > people who lie.
> > 
> > He doesn't seem to be talking about anybody on FFL,
> > as it happens.
> > 
> > I strongly suspect it's not anything he's observed
> > anywhere else on the Internet either. He just found
> > the article he linked to and figured he could use it
> > to dump on his "enemies" on FFL.
> > 
> > The article is hilarious, by the way.
> > 
> > Also see this one (from the same newspaper):
> > 
> > http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/9951649/Night-owls-are-wealthier-and-wiser-than-larks-study-finds.html
> > 
> > http://tinyurl.com/dxcx27l
> > 
> > I don't think the Telegraph has won any awards for
> > excellence in science journalism recently. ;-)
> > 
> > > 
> > > How's that little girl Maya - any latest movies that you have watched
> > > together?
> > > 
> > > I have always wanted a baby girl Barry baby - never too late, I'm still
> > > very hopeful.
> > > 
> > > Oh such a coincidence, actually working late on system patching today :-)
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 12:35 AM, turquoiseb 
> > > <mailto:no_reply%40yahoogroups.com>wrote:
> > > 
> > > > **
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > No, my subject line is not the name of a horror movie that
> > > > only bhairitu could like. :-) It's a synopsis of some
> > > > research, written up in the article at the link below,
> > > > that seems to reinforce one of my observations about FFL,
> > > > and behavior on the Internet in general.
> > > >
> > > > That is, that those posters who have a long-term, *consis-
> > > > tent* tendency to stay up WAY late at night (for "scientific
> > > > purposes" I'll define 'WAY late' not as 'slightly after the
> > > > TM angel train has departed at 10:00 pm' but 'the hours
> > > > after midnight, especially in the 1:00-3:00 am range')
> > > > tend also to make the nastiest, most attack-ridden, and
> > > > narcissistically-impaired posts.
> > > >
> > > > Not to "name names" or anything, but generic individuals
> > > > who strongly resemble, say, former minor cult leaders,
> > > > stay-at-home-correctors-of-other-people's-writing,
> > > > programmers with a history of mental instability, and
> > > > the recently retired often do this. :-)
> > > >
> > > > Whereas others (such as...uh...moi) almost never post after
> > > > midnight any more, unless I've awakened and am waiting for
> > > > my hot chocolate to take effect so I can get back to sleep,
> > > > or have just come in from some rare hot night out.
> > > >
> > > > Anyway, it's just a trend that I get to notice, living where
> > > > I do, because when I wake up in the mornings (7:00 am or so),
> > > > some of these "night owls" are still posting from the US, and
> > > > often continue to do so for several hours, or in the case of
> > > > a couple of West Coasters, until noon my time or later.
> > > >
> > > > And I've tended to notice (in my subjective opinion, of
> > > > course, which is nothing *but* opinion) that the later it
> > > > gets their time, the nastier and more malevolent their
> > > > posts tend to get. I always wondered about that. Now,
> > > > reading this article, I see that some psychologists
> > > > have wondered about it, too.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/10204896/Night-owls-more-likely-to-have-Dark-Triad-of-personality-traits.html
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > >
> > >
> >

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