IMO, the only thing idiotic is his insistence on using Yahoo as his image 
server. Only three pics show up on the website, and none show up in email. I've 
explained this all before, so I can only conclude that he suffers from chronic 
willful pebkacery syndrome.

--- In, Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@...> wrote:
> Xeno's neighborhood? A very egotistical, narcissistic statement..
> Things like modest, opulent are all relative. What is modest for one is
> very grand for another. What's expensive gas differs from state to state,
> not to mention country to country and the whole doesn't even fucking care
> if you had like fucking walked all the way to Manhattan.
> These pictures look pretty awesome to me but does that make me look
> un-cool? Un-spiritual? So let me revert to a Universal disinterested
> persona here and say that Unity doesn't care, Unity doesn't fucking care if
> Paris, Brewster, Victoria, Encinitas all looked like Maharishi's vapid,
> vacuous, vaastu-fied Vedic Cities. So yeah at a relative level it may be
> interesting, like black and white, green and blue but at the whole, it's
> all gray - you hear me, just plain old fucking gray, as gray as your hair.
> So I DON'T FUCKING CARE for your pictures - you hear me? You old,
> gray-haired, senile, unevolved idiot !!!@#$%$!!!
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius <
> anartaxius@...> wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > My neighbourhood is rather modest compared to Ann's and what is currently
> > Barry's location.
> >
> >
> > *The Brewster New York Library*, a place to get out of the heat, as it
> > has been very warm here lately.
> >
> > [image: Brewster, NY Library]
> >
> >
> > *A Methodist Church in Brewster*. A monument to a sky god.
> >
> > [image: Methodist Chruch, Brewster, NY]
> >
> >
> > *A lake near Brewster*. This is the kind of landscape found just outside
> > of many towns in this area.
> >
> > [image: Lake Near Brewster, NY]
> >
> >
> > *Another church in Brewster.* I have never been in any of them.
> >
> > [image: Another Church in Brewster]
> >
> >
> > *The train station.* This modest building is the direct connexion with
> > Grand Central Terminal in New York City. As a senior, I can get into the
> > city and back for about US$18 on non-peak commute times, a lot less
> > expensive than driving 60 miles (100km) each way. It costs over three times
> > less to take the train than to drive. And parking in the city is rather
> > expensive if you cannot find a free spot away from the denser parts.
> >
> > [image: Metro North Station, Brewster, NY]
> >
> > I made these photos today, 29 July 2013. Gas prices for automobiles here
> > is currently around US$4 for a US gallon which comes to about 0.60 Euros
> > per litre.
> >
> >  
> >

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