Live in the "boonies", eh?  Never been in upstate New York but have been 
in rural Pennsylvania.  It actually reminded me of the area where I grew 
up in Washington state.

Since you have a Yahoo account just use Flickr  with it.  That's where I 
put the photos when I embed them here.

On 07/29/2013 08:27 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:
> Alex, I am thinking of setting up an account somewhere for images. Normally I 
> do not post more than one at a time. I just did not have time today. All 
> images showed when I initially posted. But now Yahoo is inconsistently 
> loading two out of five. I think their severs are overtaxed, and they may be 
> limiting bandwidth in various ways. For example if not logged in, it is 
> sometimes not possible to load messages even if there are no images when the 
> bandwidth limitation has been exceeded. I get that a lot because I sometimes 
> just read for a couple of days, and only log in if I am posting, or need to 
> see a message that Yahoo blocked due to bandwidth restriction.
> --- In, "Alex Stanley" 
> <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote:
>> --- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
>>> --- In, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> IMO, the only thing idiotic is his insistence on using Yahoo
>>>> as his image server. Only three pics show up on the website,
>>> Er, Alex, I'm reading on the Web site and I saw all five
>>> pics in his post: library, church, lake, another church,
>>> and train station.
>> On Mac and Windows, with various different browsers, only 3 images show up 
>> for me, regardless of whether the browser is logged into Yahoo or not. In 
>> Chrome, on my Macbook, no images showed up on the website when I clicked on 
>> his post, so I refreshed, and then three pics showed up. In my Gmail feed, 
>> which I read in Thunderbird, no images show up; they don't show up on the 
>> Gmail website, either. I have no idea why all images show up for some people 
>> and not others, but Yahoo is simply not a reliable image host for allowing 
>> everyone to see the pics.
>>>   and none show up in email. I've explained this all before, so I can only 
>>> conclude that he suffers from chronic willful pebkacery syndrome.
>>>> --- In, Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Xeno's neighborhood? A very egotistical, narcissistic statement..
>>>>> Things like modest, opulent are all relative. What is modest for one is
>>>>> very grand for another. What's expensive gas differs from state to state,
>>>>> not to mention country to country and the whole doesn't even fucking care
>>>>> if you had like fucking walked all the way to Manhattan.
>>>>> These pictures look pretty awesome to me but does that make me look
>>>>> un-cool? Un-spiritual? So let me revert to a Universal disinterested
>>>>> persona here and say that Unity doesn't care, Unity doesn't fucking care 
>>>>> if
>>>>> Paris, Brewster, Victoria, Encinitas all looked like Maharishi's vapid,
>>>>> vacuous, vaastu-fied Vedic Cities. So yeah at a relative level it may be
>>>>> interesting, like black and white, green and blue but at the whole, it's
>>>>> all gray - you hear me, just plain old fucking gray, as gray as your hair.
>>>>> So I DON'T FUCKING CARE for your pictures - you hear me? You old,
>>>>> gray-haired, senile, unevolved idiot !!!@#$%$!!!
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius <
>>>>> anartaxius@> wrote:
>>>>>> **
>>>>>> My neighbourhood is rather modest compared to Ann's and what is currently
>>>>>> Barry's location.
>>>>>> *The Brewster New York Library*, a place to get out of the heat, as it
>>>>>> has been very warm here lately.
>>>>>> [image: Brewster, NY Library]
>>>>>> *A Methodist Church in Brewster*. A monument to a sky god.
>>>>>> [image: Methodist Chruch, Brewster, NY]
>>>>>> *A lake near Brewster*. This is the kind of landscape found just outside
>>>>>> of many towns in this area.
>>>>>> [image: Lake Near Brewster, NY]
>>>>>> *Another church in Brewster.* I have never been in any of them.
>>>>>> [image: Another Church in Brewster]
>>>>>> *The train station.* This modest building is the direct connexion with
>>>>>> Grand Central Terminal in New York City. As a senior, I can get into the
>>>>>> city and back for about US$18 on non-peak commute times, a lot less
>>>>>> expensive than driving 60 miles (100km) each way. It costs over three 
>>>>>> times
>>>>>> less to take the train than to drive. And parking in the city is rather
>>>>>> expensive if you cannot find a free spot away from the denser parts.
>>>>>> [image: Metro North Station, Brewster, NY]
>>>>>> I made these photos today, 29 July 2013. Gas prices for automobiles here
>>>>>> is currently around US$4 for a US gallon which comes to about 0.60 Euros
>>>>>> per litre.

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