Hate to say it Barr, but:

Face it, "They'll ban me because of what I believe"
is *not* all that different than "They attack me
because of what I believe." It's the same self-
importance feedback mechanism IMO.

They attack me cuz of what I believe is something you are accused these folks 
of where you are concerned many a time. 

 From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 1:31 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: marshy

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> the world is as you are you see and smell bile because 
> you have it in you. 


> My reasoning is cogent and concise. 

Not as true, IMO. As much as it may pain you to 
hear it, and as much as I hate to say it, some-
times your hard-on for trashing the Rish gets a 
tad...attached. Not to mention repetitive. 

And as much as I hate to admit it even more, Judy
is correct that you aren't about to be "banned" 
from FFL for anything you say about either TM or
Maharishi. That's just self-importance-seeking,
the *same* phenomenon that the True Believers like
Judy feed on when someone criticizes something or
someone *they're* attached to, and that they use 
to feed their illusions of self-importance. 

Face it, "They'll ban me because of what I believe"
is *not* all that different than "They attack me
because of what I believe." It's the same self-
importance feedback mechanism IMO.

The t'ing is, it's WASTED EFFORT, on both extremes.
The TBs are never going to convince the critics of
anything, and you're never going to convince *them*
of anything. Given a choice between clinging to a
long-held fantasy and accepting the possibility 
that it might be *only* a fantasy, most human
beings on this retarded rock in black space are 
going to go for the Familiar Fantasy every time. 

> You can't see it because you are attached to your 
> illusions of what a great man marshy was. and 
> therefore by association you attain to greatness - 
> its called being object referral. 

Sort of what I said above. So why bother to try 
to change their minds?

Those who are open to the criticisms you have pro-
posed will consider them; those who aren't NEVER
WILL. They CAN'T. Their self-images are so tied to
the Familiar Fantasies that they literally CAN'T
challenge them, without challenging their care-
fully crafted and maintained self. 

These days I find that my sense of incredulity --
and the laughter that often provokes -- more often
than not overrides any sense of indignation or 
righteous anger I might have been tempted to feel
about Maharishi or the TMO in the past. I look at
them and just laugh. Then I look at those who
*still believe in them*, and I'm incredulous. 

I simply cannot understand how anyone *could* still
believe in them. And the only thing to do about 
that IMO is to laugh, and allow them to believe
what they believe. 

NO ONE IN HISTORY has ever been *persuaded* to 
abandon a belief system they have invested in for
as long as the TBs here have. That's something one
has to "come to" on one's own. 

Trying to shock or provoke them into it just 
reinforces their belief system, because it rein-
forces their self-importance. 

Laughter is more effective. Sooner or later, even
the staunchest True Believer gets tired of being
laughed at, and has to stop and wonder why it's

> ________________________________
>  From: feste37 <feste37@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 11:50 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: marshy
> authfriend is right, MJ. You are so twisted up by anger and bitterness that 
> you cannot think straight. Your opinions are worthless--just an outpouring of 
> bile that you choose to spew all over us. You lack sound judgement. You are 
> unable to evaluate anything fairly. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> wrote:
> > (snip)
> > > He left a carpet of broken lives. This is my opinion. I know
> > > others, including the creator of FFL feel differently and if
> > > Alex and Rick want to ban me for expressing what I believe
> > > (which ain't much of a stretch given his behavior) then so be it.
> > 
> > As much of an asshole as you're showing yourself to be,
> > nobody's about to "ban" you from FFL for expressing your
> > views on Maharishi and the TMO.
> > 
> > That you would consider being banned for doing so even a
> > faint possibility is a very clear demonstration of your
> > inability to think rationally about anything TM-related.
> > (Or anything else, for that matter, given your recent
> > idiotically paranoid tirade against vaccines.)
> >


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