Loved this dear Jim, a whiff of fresh air compared to Uncle Tantrum's dumps.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 5:42 PM, <> wrote:

> **
> Thank you, this past week:
> Ann, for often saying what is on my mind, and because I always run out of
> posts before I can express my general enthusiasm. MGC rocks!
> Seventh Ray, for tackling the issue of how to post images to Yahoo – FB
> account for Bowser coming up!
> And for the completely kick-ass pictures of you and The Stooges, and the
> others, though I haven't looked at them all, yet.
> Emily, for musical inspiration, wry humor, and that German woman, with
> Mittens.
> Barry, for the contrast. With you around, everything else seems so much
> brighter. It is, simply, "Tantriffic".
> Ravi, for your spiritual tagging, and charioteer drive-bys, from the City
> of Angels.
> Judy, because I know you're out there!
> Rory, for a jolt, bolt, and molt, and handfuls of wildflower seeds. Great
> to see you again.
> Buck, for having a good heart, and probably getting bucked off one too
> many times.
> Alex, for the wit of Oscar *Meyer*, and now being the same age as George
> Clooney, Sean Penn, and Ru Paul.
> Nabby, Peace in all things, worldly and Divine, except maybe Windows 8.
> RD, for always nailing that jelly to a tree; pinky-swear with Temple Dog.
> MJ, for writing some fucking great stories, about Brother, and the others.
> Richard, because every forum needs someone like you, a left turn, off of a
> left turn, off a dirt road. With a keyboard.
> Edg, for creatively grinding his teeth for years. And that gizmo you were
> riding for awhile--
> Obba, WTF?? but in a good way...
> Card, for always reminding me of a larger world, and your Sanskrit musings.
> M Dixon, for the occasional Molotov Cocktail, lit and rolled, never thrown.
> Rick, The Dan Rather of spiritual broadcasting – "What's The Frequency,
> Kenneth?"
> Merudanda, for your stream of consciousness pictures, and a playful heart.
> Share, for your recent post about overwhelming Ananda. A stomp in the
> right direction.
> Bhairitu, to paraphrase, "I'd never join a conspiracy that would have me
> as one of its members."
> Your feedback on my music has been invaluable.
> John, The Bay Area Rocks, ya?!
> Feste37, like a dry gin (Bombay Sapphire) martini, straight up.
> Xeno, for never turning down the air conditioning - Brrrrrrr.
> Susan, for being translucent.
> Seraphita, kicking ass and taking names, in the nicest possible way.
> Srijau, for Srijau.

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