yeah, a lot of people call him that.

--- In, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@...> wrote:
> Ah-so
> ________________________________
>  From: turquoiseb <>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 7:38 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Uzes
> The town of Uzès, pronounced "ee-oo-ZESS," NOT, as some who don't like me 
> much might suggest, "ooozes" :-), is the small town closest to where I'm 
> staying. See , and if you want to fully see the 
> horror, decadence, and depravity of the place Turq would choose to go on 
> vacation, watch the video at that link. 
> I wasn't going to bother writing anything to FFL for the next couple of 
> weeks, just to see how crazy the stalkers get when the object of their hatred 
> is withdrawn from them, but this cafe is so pleasant that I figured I'd write 
> a little something anyway, just to share my overall SOB (state of bliss), and 
> thus piss them off and encourage them to reveal who they really are and what 
> motivates them in life. :-)
> Me, I'm enjoying what motivates me in life -- sitting in a nice sidewalk 
> cafe, watching people (Uzès is famous for being home to some of the most 
> lovely women in France, both French and ex-pats who have settled here), and 
> rapping about Odd Things That Occur To Me. 
> Today's Odd Thing may be a "replay," in that it's a personal theory of mine 
> that I may have mentioned here before, and I know that may piss off Those Who 
> Didn't Get It First Time I Mentioned It, but frankly, if they're that dense, 
> why should I worry about them? It's Turq's Judo Theory Of How Pretty Much 
> Everything Works. 
> The science of Judo (a "sportified" version of Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, and other 
> Japanese martial arts), is all based on one basic idea -- spend most or all 
> of your energy pushing *against* something, and you render yourself off 
> balance, and thus make yourself "easy meat" for anyone who knows something 
> about the martial arts. Think about it. If you're pushing *against* something 
> or someone, you are *by definition* off balance. All that your opponent has 
> to do do defeat you is to step out of the way, and your own off-balance 
> momentum causes you to fall flat on your face. 
> That's it, the whole theory, in case you're already bored, and want to stop 
> reading. :-) For those who aren't clueful enough to get it without further 
> explanation, this theory covers the mechanics of behavior in battle, in 
> social activities like politics, and in "social networking" activities 
> like...uh...FFL. 
> In battle (or pseudo-battle, such as Judo matches), people who throw 
> themselves off balance by pushing *against* their opponent...uh...LOSE. End 
> of story. They have in essence defeated *themselves* by allowing their self 
> to become so attached to "defeating" the person they're pushing against. 
> In politics, this same Judo Theory Of Everything explains (at least to me) 
> the whole sad story of revolution/counterrevolution over the ages. Think the 
> Russian Revolution. Everybody was so fixated on pushing *against* the czars 
> that when they went away, they suddenly found themselves in the position of 
> having nothing else to push against. And with that realization came another 
> -- they'd never thought about what was going to happen if the czars went 
> away. They were so obsessive about what they were *against* that they'd never 
> put any thought into what they were *for*. Therefore, when their enemy was 
> withdrawn from them, they had no idea what to do. So they made up *new* 
> enemies, from within their own ranks, and created a *new* revolution against 
> *them*. This scenario has repeated itself over and over and over throughout 
> the centuries. 
> On social media, you see exactly the same thing. Think FFL. There are people 
> here who *still* fly into a rage and lash out *against* someone like Andrew 
> Skolnick, with whom they have not interacted for more than a decade, and who 
> never once posted to this forum. There are still people who cannot go a month 
> without lashing out *against* someone like Curtis or Vaj or Sally Sunshine or 
> Ruth or others who gave up on this place as a waste of their valuable time 
> long ago. 
> And I would suggest that the reason is that the people who do this are Lazy 
> Fucks, who have never put any thought into what they're *for* in life. For 
> most of those lives, they've pursued the Easy Path, of only focusing on the 
> things and people they're *against*. When those things or people are 
> withdrawn *from* their focus, they panic, and keep pushing against them 
> anyway. 
> NOT that I'm suggesting this might be happening on FFL the last few days, 
> since their favorite "push against" victim stopped posting as much. It 
> *can't* be that the folks who rag on him non-stop (or who emerged from the 
> woodwork like roaches just so that they could rag on him again) can't think 
> of anything else to do. That would be *embarrassing* for them, and we all 
> know that their whole lives revolve around micromanaging their images to 
> pretend that they're *never* embarrassed by their own behavior. :-) 
> Anyway, that's my theory, which is mine. You may agree with it, or disagree 
> with it, and -- either way -- I don't really give a fuck. As much as it may 
> pain those who focus on me non-stop may like to believe it, NOTHING they 
> write affects me terribly much. None of the people doing the writing are 
> *interesting* enough for me to pay much attention to what they write, or give 
> much more thought than this cafe rap as to WHY they write it. I just parse 
> their actions through my Judo Theory, and that pretty much explains 
> everything about them I or anyone else ever needed to know. 
> YMMV. If it does, you may feel free to expound upon *your* explanations for 
> why people who seem to dislike one person so intensely that they spend most 
> of their online writing time trying to "get" him or "silence" him become so 
> panicky when he decides to go...uh...silent. Feel free to suggest your 
> alternative theories.

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