
From: authfriend <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 10:06:09 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Uzes

It's interesting to read this bearing in mind how
attached Barry is to "defeating" his own "enemies."
The majority of his posts here are devoted to it
(including this one). But he doesn't seem to
realize that in this regard, he's no different
than anyone else here. Except that he does it *at
least* as much as anybody else.

A few comments interspersed below...

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> In battle (or pseudo-battle, such as Judo matches), people who throw
> themselves off balance by pushing *against* their opponent...uh...LOSE.
> End of story. They have in essence defeated *themselves* by allowing
> their self to become so attached to "defeating" the person they're
> pushing against.
> In politics, this same Judo Theory Of Everything explains (at least to
> me) the whole sad story of revolution/counterrevolution over the ages.
> Think the Russian Revolution. Everybody was so fixated on pushing
> *against* the czars that when they went away, they suddenly found
> themselves in the position of having nothing else to push against. And
> with that realization came another -- they'd never thought about what
> was going to happen if the czars went away. They were so obsessive about
> what they were *against* that they'd never put any thought into what
> they were *for*. Therefore, when their enemy was withdrawn from them,
> they had no idea what to do. So they made up *new* enemies, from within
> their own ranks, and created a *new* revolution against *them*. This
> scenario has repeated itself over and over and over throughout the
> centuries.
> On social media, you see exactly the same thing. Think FFL. There are
> people here who *still* fly into a rage and lash out *against* someone
> like Andrew Skolnick, with whom they have not interacted for more than a
> decade, and who never once posted to this forum.

Actually nobody "flies into a rage" over Andrew. Interestingly,
though, it's Barry who mentions him most often here.

There are still people
> who cannot go a month without lashing out *against* someone like Curtis
> or Vaj or Sally Sunshine or Ruth or others who gave up on this place as
> a waste of their valuable time long ago.

Since Robin gave up on this place on April 8, Advanced
Search shows 93 posts from Barry that mention him. (This
is subject to the same caveats as those for Barry's
search for posts mentioning himself, of course, but these
are posts from a single person, not the entire forum; and
we all know Barry does mention Robin quite frequently.)

> And I would suggest that the reason is that the people who do this are
> Lazy Fucks, who have never put any thought into what they're *for* in
> life. For most of those lives, they've pursued the Easy Path, of only
> focusing on the things and people they're *against*. When those things
> or people are withdrawn *from* their focus, they panic, and keep pushing
> against them anyway.

Exactly the case with Barry vis-a-vis Robin.

> NOT that I'm suggesting this might be happening on FFL the last few
> days, since their favorite "push against" victim stopped posting as
> much. It *can't* be that the folks who rag on him non-stop (or who
> emerged from the woodwork like roaches just so that they could rag on
> him again)

Hey, Bob, Barry called you a roach! That couldn't mean
he's pushing against you, could it?



As a cockroach and member *under consideration* of the
MGC, I hope you noticed the kiss I blew you as I scampered across your laptop
screen recently; I was a little concerned to see you attempting those martial
art moves as if your laptop was attacking you; as I believe Ann (Grand Poobah
of the MGC) has mentioned: "its only the Internet", and we're not
actually real; at least in the sense that having a girl with you---in Provence 
August---would be considered real; just between you and me (and the 
your laptop is not the same thing as a lap dancer---or a blow up doll for that
matter---no matter how much you squint at it. 

Share loved your Bee Gees link and asked me to pass
this on to you:

Personally, I think she might be getting close to
suggesting the two of you curl up in front of the fire channel together; I hear
you can do that over SKYPE.


> can't think of anything else to do. That would be
> *embarrassing* for them, and we all know that their whole lives revolve
> around micromanaging their images to pretend that they're *never*
> embarrassed by their own behavior. :-)

How often does Barry admit to being embarrassed by his
own behavior? Gee, I can't think of a single instance.

> Anyway, that's my theory, which is mine. You may agree with it, or
> disagree with it, and -- either way -- I don't really give a fuck. As
> much as it may pain those who focus on me non-stop may like to believe
> it,

Oops oops oops, incomplete edit. Feeling a little
unbalanced there, are ya, Barry?

> NOTHING they write affects me terribly much. None of the people
> doing the writing are *interesting* enough for me to pay much attention
> to what they write, or give much more thought than this cafe rap as to
> WHY they write it.

Hard to believe given how often Barry attacks them in
his "cafe raps."

I just parse their actions through my Judo Theory,
> and that pretty much explains everything about them I or anyone else
> ever needed to know.
> YMMV. If it does, you may feel free to expound upon *your* explanations
> for why people who seem to dislike one person so intensely that they
> spend most of their online writing time trying to "get" him or "silence"
> him become so panicky when he decides to go...uh...silent. Feel free to
> suggest your alternative theories.

My explanation is that this happens only in Barry's
imagination. (Although Robin leaving does seem to have
thrown him for quite a loop, such that he began
compulsively to take out his rage at Robin by
attacking *me*).


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