The dummies at the White House are still trying to sell a damn attack this morning despite the fact that Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to it.

On 08/30/2013 08:16 AM, wrote:
Re "The UK Parliament has rejected an attack.":
A lot of the feedback on UK newspaper sites - and the BBC news site - is from Americans saying how pleased they are with the UK Parliament's decision.

Re "If Obama goes ahead I think we should demand his impeachment and trial for war crimes.":

Ain't going to happen. He's the first black president so it's inconceivable he could end his stint under such ignominy.

--- In, <noozguru@...> wrote:

The progressive Democrat told CNN he was opposed to a U.S. military
strike against Syria over its alleged use of chemical weapons.

“The administration would have to explain why this affects some vital
American interest,” Grayson said. “I haven’t heard any discussion of
that at all. I think the only people who really want in to happen are
the military industrial complex. I just don’t understand how this
involves us, Americans.”

I heard Grayson this afternoon interviewed by Nicole Sandler. He
mentioned that Raytheon stock has been on the rise. Just follow the
money, people.

The UK Parliament has rejected an attacked. Obama seems to think he is a
dictator. Ain't it handy that Congress is on recess and probably why he
is anxious to attack ASAP .... before they come back. Obviously given
public opinion, Congress won't authorize it.

If he goes ahead I think we should demand his impeachment and trial for
war crimes.

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