Kind of damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Nobody wants to help him. 
Wasn't that what he was all about when elected, getting international 
cooperation on these kinds of *projects*? Bush had coalition of the willing, 
about 50 nations, Obama 0. Must be *racism* on a world stage.


 From: Richard J. Williams <>
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rep. Grayson: the military industrial complex 
wants the Syrian strike
On 8/30/2013 1:13 PM, wrote:
>It doesn't look like the rest of the world community wants another war either. 
> This is a question that has to be settled at the UN.  If Assad is guilty of 
>violating the international law, he should be tried at the Hague for crimes 
>against humanity.  In the meantime, the UN will more likely impose some kind 
>of sanction against Syria.  
It's obvious what we need to do - we've got to send in the troops and put a 
stop to this massacre. We need to band together the  allied free nations and go 
in and stop these people from killing each other - we need to take over the 
whole Middle East and put  a legitimate government in place - one based on 
human rights.   These WMD are an outrage to all humanity!  For God's sake, 
people!!! Don't just sit by and watch this killing  on TV! Somebody go in there 
and help these poor women and  children and old people!  Bill Clinton didn't 
need no stinkin' UN to go and help the people in Bosnia and Srebrinika! And, 
while we're at it, we should go into  North Korea, Russia and China and free 
those people too!   

>Obama might still decide to aid the rebels with weapons and 
>ammunition--perhaps even impose a "no fly" zone for Assad's air force.  But 
>putting American troops on the ground would be a fatal mistake for Obama.  He 
>will ruin the already weak but recovering US economy. 
>  --- In, mailto:noozguru@... wrote:  
>The dummies at the White House are still trying to sell a damn attack this 
>morning despite the fact that Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to it.  On 
>08/30/2013 08:16 AM, s3raphita@... wrote:  
>>Re "The UK Parliament has rejected an attack.": 
>>A lot of the feedback on UK newspaper sites - and the BBC news site - is from 
>>Americans saying how pleased they are with the UK Parliament's decision. 
>>Re "If Obama goes ahead I think we should demand his impeachment and trial 
>>for war crimes.": 
>>Ain't going to happen. He's the first black president so it's inconceivable 
>>he could end his stint under such ignominy. 
>>  --- In, <noozguru@...> wrote:  
>>The progressive Democrat told CNN he was opposed to a U.S. military  strike 
>>against Syria over its alleged use of chemical weapons.  “The administration 
>>would have to explain why this affects some vital  American interest,” 
>>Grayson said. “I haven’t heard any discussion of  that at all. I think the 
>>only people who really want in to happen are  the military industrial 
>>complex. I just don’t understand how this  involves us, Americans.”  
>>  I heard Grayson this afternoon interviewed by Nicole Sandler. He  mentioned 
>>that Raytheon stock has been on the rise. Just follow the  money, people.  
>>The UK Parliament has rejected an attacked. Obama seems to think he is a  
>>dictator. Ain't it handy that Congress is on recess and probably why he  is 
>>anxious to attack ASAP .... before they come back. Obviously given  public 
>>opinion, Congress
 won't authorize it.  If he goes ahead I think we should demand his impeachment 
and trial for  war crimes.             

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