All of us are born with holes in our skulls. For most of us the hole space is 
sealed up by growing tissue by our first birthday. For some, however, the holes 
are never permanently sealed and so they are naturally "treppaned." 

 A medieval burial ground was recently investigated and researchers discovered 
something very intriguing. Almost all the remains of lower-caste people 
(peasants, labourers, etc) had normal skulls; almost all the skulls of the high 
caste (magistrates, church dignitaries, etc) had unsealed holes in their 
skulls. The link between high achievers and trepanation (naturally occurring in 
this case) is worth following up. I wonder if someone could investigate if high 
achievers today show a similar bias towards the "holes". Shouldn't be too 
difficult to find out. 

 The hole in the head thing isn't just for psychedelic druggies who want to 
stay "high" permanently but could be a way of enhancing creativity. As holes 
can be re-sealed later I wonder if an experiment involving volunteers and a 
control group might be feasible. 
 Re noozguru/jr_esq: neither ayurveda nor astrology seem amenable to scientific 

 By the way, Countess Amanda Feilding I mention (the one who wanted free 
trepanning operations for everyone in the UK) actually performed her own 
trepanation on herself with a power drill! There's footage in the DVD.


---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote:


 There's no need for this operation.  Why?  Because there is already a subtle 
and astrological connection between the top of the head to the star Polaris, 
the source of cosmic manifestation here on earth. 

 Please, see my earlier post regarding Prisca Theologia for details of the 
lecture by Santos Bonacci regarding syncretism.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote:

 Seems a bit extreme.  You can manipulate the metabolism to increase blood flow 
to the brain.  That's something that ayurveda is good at.
 On 10/19/2013 07:30 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
   A Hole in the Head is an hour-long documentary about trepanation - the 
process of boring a hole in the skull. It examines the development of modern 
trepanation as used by people in the UK, the USA, and the Netherlands for the 
purpose of attaining a higher level of consciousness.
 This procedure, used by the ancient Egyptians, Incas, and others, is believed 
by the voluntarily trepanned to allow for renewed brain pulsations that 
increase brain blood volume and thereby improve brain function.  Interviews 
regarding the history and efficacy of the procedure are also held with some of  
the world's most respected neurosurgeons and anthropologists. 
 There's an appearance by Countess Amanda Feilding. Twice Amanda stood for 
Parliament in Chelsea, London, as an independent on a manifesto with a singular 
topic - trepanning for free to everyone on the National Health Service! In 1979 
she polled 40 votes, and in 1983 she managed 139. 
 John Lennon tried (unsuccessfully) to persuade the other Beatles to undergo 
the procedure. If he'd succeeded maybe all those who followed the Fab Four from 
LSD to TM would now be treppaned! Ye gods! How boring and conformist modern 
society seems in comparison to those heady sixties.
 Does the procedure do what it is claimed? How about some enterprising FFLifers 
volunteering to undergo the operation and then reporting back to the forum on 
the benefits?
 I've seen the film and one of the sadder interviewees is a young woman who, 
following an accident, had a hole in her skull . She was very chirpy and upbeat 
when first seen. Her doctors advised her to have the hole sealed with surgery. 
An interview at the end of the film shows her after the operation and she is 
strikingly depressed! 
 Is trepanation a fast-track to enlightenment?
 A newspaper article about the countess is here:
 The trailer for the DVD is here:


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