As usual Judy bashes the messenger instead of discussing the story and isuse. What a sad old woman.

On 10/29/2013 10:15 AM, wrote:

*Bhairitu wrote:*

> I didn't SAY it was a DUI checkpoint.

*I didn't SAY you did. Better get those hallucinations checked out.*

> Instead I asked doc how he would like to have a gun pointed at his head at a DUI checkpoint? It was an
> example

*A very poor example given what was at stake in this case. Sticking a rifle in a car window would be seriously out of proportion at a DUI checkpoint, but not at a checkpoint where the guy in the car has just shot four cops (and if he's into shooting cops, he's ready to shoot anybody).*

> and those happen around here. So the cops are judge, jury and executioner now?

*Ooops, another hallucination there, Bhairitu,*

    On 10/29/2013 09:24 AM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:

But it wasn't a DUI checkpoint. There was a guy on the loose who had already wounded four cops and engaged them in a gun battle on and off all night. These were /very nervous cops./ They set up the checkpoint in an attempt to make sure the perp didn't get away; it wasn't just routine intimidation of motorists. They had to be ready to instantly shoot the dude up close and personal if they found him in a car at the checkpoint, because he would have been more than ready to shoot them.

---In <>, <> <> wrote:

The photo was allegedly taken at a checkpoint. How would you like them to point a gun at your head at a DUI checkpoint. You need to realize that THEY are our servants not the other way around. Our taxes pay their salaries. This is not Iraq and we don't need the tactics the military used there for our towns and cities. They are supposed to be PEACE OFFICERS not BULLIES. We should stand firm against a a police state.

    On 10/29/2013 06:02 AM, doctordumbass@...
    <mailto:doctordumbass@...> wrote:

I think you are jumping to a lot of quick, and incorrect, conclusions. I remember this happening to me (guns in my face), when I lived in Oregon, nearly 40 years ago. A friend and I had been visiting friends in the Bay Area. Got a late start going home, and ended up in Roseburg, OR around 2 AM, looking for a gas station. We stopped at a 7-11 to ask where one might be.

Just after we left the store, and got back in the car, the robbery alarm at the 7-11 malfunctioned - cops came screaming in from all directions. They focused on one particular vehicle, because it had four [innocent] young guys in it, though one of the officers was also cursing at me and my friend, while alternately pointing his weapon at our heads.

It was pretty stressful. Yeah, cops have been into a doctrine of overwhelming force, for a *long* time. These days, they often need it.

---In <>, <> <> wrote:

This is just another example of the continuing militarization of local police forces throughout the USA.

Welcome to Barack Hussein's Amerik-ass. Brought to you by all those Chicago gangsters and their wonderful White House lackey.

Love him now?

---In <>, <noozguru@...> <mailto:noozguru@...> wrote:

This happened only about an hour's drive from where I live. I would
think the CHP would be better than this:

Coming soon to a location near you.

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