You are incorrect - I've been teaching people how to meditate for forty years. I learned Zen meditation under Shunryo Suzulki. And, I've studied with three Tantra teachers. TM is just for beginners. In fact, I was one of the first Americans to practice Tantra under Tarthang Tulku back in 1967.

On 10/30/2013 7:18 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

You were not even a teacher of TM, I was. You were never a tantric. I am. KMA.

On 10/30/2013 03:15 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

You posted to the wrong topic and made yourself look like a newbie. Maybe it's time to review the Netiquette:

1. When replying to a post, stay on topic.
2. Don't butt in to conversations with trollish comments.
3. Try not to post comments that don't add anything to the discussion.

Start your own topic if you don't know anything about TM and the Tantras.

On 10/30/2013 5:02 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Well Mr. Troll, I added to the topic that you don't know what you're talking about and should stick to subjects you do and gave an example.

On 10/30/2013 02:00 PM, wrote:

You should probably learn how to use a discussion group. You're not supposed to butt in to a conversation unless you have something to add to the topic. Start your own thread instead - this makes you look like a newbie who does nothing but watch TV.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote:

You should probably stick to "cutting the cable" posts. There you have some actual experience and knowledge. Tantra is beyond your pay grade. :-D

Speaking of "cable cutting" except for CBS you can get most broadcast shows on Hulu. And CBS (as with most of the networks) posts episodes on the CBS website the day after showing on air. I played with different ways of watching those on my big screen. HDMI out on my Acer desktop lacks audio even though I have it set to HDMI audio. Seems it is a problem for some users bit I will probably use either my Acer tablet which has an HDMI port out or the NVidia Shield which has one too. Most of the networks put out a low grade HD stream when you expand to full screen.

Difference between Hulu+ and network websites. The latter have more commercials though still just a few minutes overall compared to OTA. Hulu+ has often only one 15 second commercial during a break and most are just PSAs.

For the Netflixers looking for a dark comedy horror film for Halloween may I recommend "Night of the Living Dead: Re-Animation". This is indeed a sequel to the "Re-Animator" films including Jeffery Combs playing a role. There is even some funny political satire liberals will love in the film (can we say "Sister Sarah").

    On 10/30/2013 08:23 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

It would seem that the MMY got a little confused - instead of extolling the Vedas, he should have been promoting the Tantras. Apparently there are no 'bija' mantras mentioned in the Rig Veda. In order to establish the TM practice, the MMY should have been explaining how TM came to use the bija mantras.

>From what I've read, TM practice and the use of bijas comes from the tradition Sri Vidya, and not from the Rig Veda. The Sri Vidya is a tantric sect, purportedly founded by Shankaracharya. Swami Brahmananda Saraswati was a member of the Sri Vidya - all the Saraswati sannyasins are headquartered at the Sringeri matha.

Swami Krishnanda Saraswati:

Inline image 1

SBS's guru, Swami Krishanand Saraswati, was from Sringeri. The primary symbol of the Sri Vidya is the Shri Yantra with the TM bijas inscribed thereon. There are fifteen bija mantras listed in the Soundarylahari, some of them are TM bija mantras, according to James Duffy. But, there are in fact sixteen bijas listed in the Sounda, the last one used for advanced practice.

So, it's obvious that TM adherents should be looking to the Tantras, such as the 'Saundaryalahari' for the origins of TM, not the to the Vedas. The Rig Veda has little to say about yoga practices such as 'TM'. The Rig Veda is based on sacrificial rituals, dedicated to appeasing the celestial beings that control the forces of nature, such as earth, wind and fire, etc.

The demi-gods, such as Krishna, Vasudeva, Balarama, and Ramchandra are deified heros of Indian mythology. There are no 'istadevatas' and their 'bija mantras' mentioned in the Rig Veda.

The use of bijas came a long time after the composition of the Rig Veda, during the Gupta Age in India. Bija mantras are products of the Indian alchemists, not the Vedic rishis. The Rig Veda was probably compiled before the Aryan speakers even arrived in India. TM practice is almost pure tantra practice, with a little fertilizer thrown in for good measure.

Read more:

Subject: TM in the Tantras
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, alt.meditation,
Date: Friday, Jan 21 2005

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