As you may have gathered by now I am not big on theoretical spiritual teachings 
nor am I a leaner towards book learning on things spiritual or the following of 
gurus. I tried it once and although it was interesting it ended rather badly. 
So I can not take sides in this debate about who has practiced tantric yoga 
with the greatest alacrity or whose Buddhist monk friend was/is higher on the 
evolutionary scale. So if you two want to spar over this kind of thing go right 
ahead. I'll be out in the forest somewhere listening to the owls.

On Friday, November 1, 2013 8:54:27 AM, Richard J. Williams 
<> wrote:
We really need to cut emptybill some slack about this, Ann. He said his wife 
passed away - may she rest in peace. 

So, maybe that's a real tragedy, but why is he taking it out on
      me? I'm just trying to share information to make this group more
      interesting to read, unlike some others who seem to just want to
      wreck it. Go figure.

Now he's taking care of his daughter, so I guess we can assume
      that he practiced tantric yoga at least once in his life. 

I've spent forty years investigating the tantric tradition and
      it's relation to TM practice and studied with three tantric
      teachers. It's just a shame that we can't get more substantive
      information about tantra out of him, instead of all the grief he
      has directed at me and Vaj, seeing as how we're all three

But, he doesn't sound much like a Buddhist and his teacher seems
      to have mixed up the dualism of the Sankhya with the non-dualism
      of the Vajrayana, so I can't really figure him or his teacher out.
      Apparently his teacher thinks making puja to Shiva is the
      'original' tantra, but everyone knows that Shiva worship came
      after the historical Buddha and the rise of the devotional sects
      in India, at the beginning of the Gupta period. Go figure. 

Did I tell you I attended the Kalachakra initiation with the
      Tibetan Dalai Lama at Los Angeles in July, 1989?

As in all Vajryana practices, the Kalachakra initiation empowers
      the disciple to practice tantra in the service of attaining
      enlightenment, not for the mere acquisition of material goods or
      fortune from Laksmi, but to attune the mind for the acceptance of
      voidness. So, far from being 'empty, our Bill seems to be pretty
      full of himself,but maybe he's just lashing out from prolonged
      grief - I don't know. 

On 11/1/2013 8:56 AM, wrote:

>---In, <punditster@...> wrote:
>You made my day, Ann! Now if we can just get emptybill to improve his 
>disposition. LoL!
>Perhaps someone should get a grip on his Shiva implement...that's usually good 
>for a momentary burst of bliss.
>On 11/1/2013 8:45 AM, awoelflebater@... wrote:
>>---In, <> wrote:
>>More meat on the bone? Get a grip, Anne, he said he was already doing puja to 
>>a 'Shiva Lingam'. Whatever; it doesn't seem to be improving his disposition 
>>very much. Go figure.
>>First of all my name is ANN. Secondly, I like your wordplay on the whole 
>>lingam/bone(er) thing. The addition of the term "get a grip" finishes off the 
>>double entendre nicely. 
>>On 10/31/2013 10:48 PM, awoelflebater@... wrote:
>>>---In, <emptybill@...> wrote:
>>>What a fucking idiot you are. 
>>>When my teacher came to my house he talked around and had kind and sage 
>>>advice for my daughter, She like him very much. He then 
>>>wanted to look around so I gave him the tour. When he got 
>>>to my sadhana room and looked at the large altar (set down
>>>low - Hindu style) and he saw the traditionally carved Shiva Lingam 
>>>surrounded by small rudraksha-a and covered with flower blossoms.
>>>Surmounting it were large hand-painted Thankas of various Vajrayana Yidam 
>>>and Dharma protectors ... like Ekajâti and Rahula. 
>>>He pointed at the Lingam and said "Oh - Original Tantra!" That was 2005. He 
>>>asked questions about it and about what practice I did. I told him I didn't 
>>>do a daily abhisheka but rather did it "as desired ... kamya"
>>>ever since my wife died. I queried him further and he confirmed ... 
>>>"Yeah - not Buddhist but still good Tantra." He even considers Sankhya to be 
>>>very close in its conclusions and metaphysics to Dzogchen. 
>>>All this just show how shallow your ideas are ... fool.
>>>What else to expect from a mere book reading Troll. 
>>>"ideas" might be the operative word here. I don't have the time or the 
>>>disposition for living and practicing ideas. I am far too busy living life. 
>>>Try it, you might find it has lots more meat on the bone.
>>>---In, <punditster@...> wrote:
>>>> I do the Pâñcharâtra Mahâ-Rudrâbhishekam.
So, you're performing a daily Hindu sacrifice to the Rudra lingham, at the same 
time you're trying to practice under a Tibetan Buddhist Rinpoche? Where is Vaj 
when we need him?
>>>>> Why don't you read something useful. Laksmi Tantra translated 
by Sanjukta Gupta. 
>>>>And, why would I want to read a book to learn about the Laksmi Tantra? I'm 
>>>>not even interested in Hindu Tantrism - my interest is Tibetan Tantra. Can 
>>>>you speak any Tibetan?
>>>>On 10/30/2013 8:15 PM, emptybill@... wrote:
>>>>Here Here. There There. 
>>>>Finally an accurate summary of
                                          the pompous Troll. 
>>>>Hey Troll! Me too ...
>>>>I do the Pâñcharâtra
>>>>It's Tantric ... asshole.
>>>>It's such bullshit what you
                                          say ... Lakshmi this - Lakshmi
>>>>Why don't you read something
                                          useful. Laksmi Tantra translated by 
Sanjukta Gupta. 
>>>>Then pray yer stinking ass off
                                          that you can meet someone 
>>>>that can show you something
                                          useful. Tantric usefull - idiot.
>>>>You don't do anything except
                                          read stuff and make grand
>>>>---In, <noozguru@...> wrote:
>>>>You were not even a teacher of TM, I was. You were never a tantric.  I am.  

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