It is way better than just anonymity, I hacked this guy's yahoo mail account a 
long long time ago and use it at my free will. Ha! The sap, he's never figured 
it out. I bet he'd be really mad at me for using his account for my purposes if 
he ever figured it out. However someone here actually equating his name with 
me, I think the FFL moderator here should ban whoever did that for violating 
the FFL guidelines about revealing people's identities on FFL. Outing people 
who wish to remain anonymous or lurk on FFL, that really is foul.

---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote:

 Re Ann's: "What I say on this forum is what I believe and it conveys pretty 
accurately who I am.":  

 And if a prospective employer was prejudiced against your opinions you'd not 
get that longed-for job/pay rise/promotion. You may be financially secure 
enough to not care less but there are a lot of people out there who might be in 
more desperate straits. 

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote:


---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote:

 Re "I don't believe in anonymity. If I choose to post or subject others to my 
opinions and generally interact with them then I am more than happy to let them 
know my name. If I didn't want to associate myself with what I have written 
then I wouldn't write it. I don't totally understand the need for anonymity 
other than to keep oneself "safe" from repercussions that might arise as a 
result of what one might believe in. But then I'm all for accountability.":

 If I'm understanding you, isn't the problem here that when people post 
comments and opinions using their real, given name it means that when they 
apply for a new job (say) the employer can Google the name and see everything 
they've said. You could learn a lot about someone from chasing up all their 
opinions - things it might be wiser to keep secret. Might it not be a good idea 
to protect yourself with an alias? You're still free to reveal to whoever you 
choose what aliases you've used on-line - but *you* have that choice. By using 
your real name you're giving hostages to fortune. 

 All sorts of things can be dredged up but if my would-be employer were to 
choose not to give me a job based on my opinions herein expressed then I don't 
want the job. What I say on this forum is what I believe and it conveys pretty 
accurately who I am. I still say, if you don't want what you represent yourself 
to be on these public places then don't participate and if you do then be brave 
enough to face the consequences. (FFL is the one and only 'forum' I have ever 
engaged with. I have no time or inclination to spend my day roving the ether 
for opportunities to either vent or expose myself in great quantities. Big 
Brother may be watching but if he finds himself interested in me then God help 

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote:

 To clarify - I don't believe in anonymity. If I choose to post or subject 
others to my opinions and generally interact with them then I am more than 
happy to let them know my name. If I didn't want to associate myself with what 
I have written then I wouldn't write it. I don't totally understand the need 
for anonymity other than to keep oneself "safe" from repercussions that might 
arise as a result of what one might believe in. But then I'm all for 

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote:


---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote:

 Can I mention something else that's been bugging me about FFL? 
 I am Seraphita. That is Seraphita = Seraphita = Seraphita. That's the name I 
selected when registering with FFL. That's the name I always use. Simple OK?

 But we know there are a lot of people who have a sign-on name but who are also 
addressed by a familiar name. Correct me if I'm wrong but . . .
 "authfriend" = 
 "TurquoiseB" =
 "Buck" = 


 and the Lord knows who "wgm4u" and "awoelflebater" are!


 For the sake of new arrivals to FFL and the occasional lurker could some kind 
soul list the different aliases of the posters to this site so that everyone 
knows who is saying what to whom. It would make life so much simpler.

 Simple: awoelflebater is Ann






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