Because Barry's misrepresentation of what happened here
 in the past is so malicious, I changed my mind; I'm going to
 point out the many lies in these two paragraphs: 

 > So what do a few wonderful people on FFL do? They not
> only start using his full name in posts here (thus making
> them Google-able), they write occasional posts *POSING
> AS HIM* and/or signing his name to what they wrote.
> Both Robin and Ravi (who Judy seems to have No Problem
> With) did this, and continued to do it *after* Curtis asked
> them not to. Ravi was thrown off the forum at one point
> because of it.

 1. Nobody wrote any posts posing as Curtis that used his
 last name.

 2. Robin used his last name in a post one single time. Curtis
 asked him to delete and repost it without using his last name.
 Robin apologized and immediately did so. It had been a slip,
 unintentional, and he never did it again.

 3. Ravi once quoted something from a newspaper that
 Curtis had told a reporter about TM; the reporter had 
 introduced the quote using Curtis's last name. Ravi was
 not thrown off for that. He was thrown off for using
 somebody else's real name in a post. Other than that
 quote, Curtis's last name never appeared in a post from

 4. Other people had used Curtis's last name quite a few
 times before he decided in recent years that he'd rather
 they didn't. I used it as recently as 2007. Not only did Curtis
 not object to my using it, he made a big point of how "open"
 he was about his name--for the purpose of dumping on
 someone else who used a handle. Rick left a post in 2010
 wishing him happy birthday and using his real last name.
 On alt.m.t, Curtis used his real name rather than a handle.
 IOW, Curtis's TM involvement is easily Googleable whether
 anyone has used his full name here since he said he
 preferred otherwise or not. And nobody has done so
 maliciously, contrary to Barry's claim. The malice is all his.

 Bottom line: Barry made up virtually everything in those
 two paragraphs hoping to convince Seraphita that his
 sharpest critics were bad people. If she reads this, she
 now knows one of the main reasons why he has such




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