It seems that David Eckert has to pay the costs of the anal probes he endured! 
Can he claim the money back on Obamacare?

---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote:

 David Eckert failed to make a complete stop when he pulled out of a Walmart 
store. A police officer then asked David to get out of his car and claimed he 
saw Eckert "clenching his buttocks" which supposedly was a sign that Eckert had 
drugs in his anal cavity.  

 Eckert’s abdominal area was X-rayed; no narcotics were found. Doctors then 
performed an examination of Eckert’s anus with their fingers; no narcotics were 
found. Doctors performed a second exam of Eckert’s anus with their fingers; no 
narcotics were found. Doctors penetrated Eckert’s anus to insert an enema. 
Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert 
watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found. Doctors 
penetrated Eckert’s anus to insert an enema a second time. Eckert was forced to 
defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors 
searched his stool. No narcotics were found. Doctors penetrated Eckert’s anus 
to insert an enema a third time. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of 
doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No 
narcotics were found. Doctors then X-rayed Eckert again; no narcotics were 
found. Doctors prepared Eckert for surgery, sedated him, and then performed a 
colonoscopy where a scope with a camera was inserted into Eckert’s anus, 
rectum, colon, and large intestines. No narcotics were found.


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