Of course in reality, there's no such thing as "TM" or a "TMer" - those are
probably just an acronyms made up by a SIMS director and a newsgroup
pundit, probably Lon P. Stacks (RIP), who thought he was being smart and

So what, exactly, is TM and TMer?

It has already been established that the TM bija mantra is a non-ideational
mnemonic device used for transcending; it is thus a thought tool for
experiencing subtler states or levels of conciousness, and is in fact, the
'key' device for unlocking the toolbox itself, wherein lies a matrix of
other mental tools which can provide a whole spectrum of conciousness
beyond our everyday physical world of name and form.

So, let's review the definition of TM given by MMY and then let's determine
what, and who is, a TMer.

Short definition of TM:

"A Wakeful Hypometabolic Physiologic State."

Are we agreed so far?

Medium definition of TM:

"TM is the regular passing of the attention from one state of conciousness
to the another, subtler state, a process which enables transcendental
consciousness to be maintained even during activity; first at a very subtle
level, and later in all the gross activities of everyday life, so that
unity conciousness may eventually become permanent. In this way tm, which
is a specific type of practice, presents the most effective working tool
for the two spheres of life."


Longer definition of TM:

"Transcendental Meditation is something that can be defined as a means to
do what one wants to do in a better way, in a right way, for maximum
results. It's a program that the mind begins to experience its own finer
impressions, finer thoughts, and then finally transcends the finest thought
and gets to the level of what they call self-referral pure consciousness,
which is the ultimate reality of life, pure intelligence. From where the
creation emerges. From where the administration of life is maintained. From
where physical expression of the universe has its basis." - MMY (May 12,

Read more:

'There are no TMers on this list'

Next: So what, exactly, is a TMer?

Notes: In reality, I'm the only person who actually admits to being a TMer
- I'm still on the program. That would exclude almost everyone else posting
here, since they went over to another saint years ago to practice sewing.
Go figure. The real question is - why would anyone be concerned about who
is and who is not, a TMer? That's addressing the important issue!

So, I wasn't the first person on the internet or the first on this forum to
use the term "TMer". But ever since I first saw it used in a post by Judy,
I've been asking her, and everyone else that comes here, what a TMer is.
Nobody has been able to answer that question - case in point. All I could
get out of Barry2 was that tantra means a "thread" - not very helpful. If
you can't even define what TM is, how could you say what a TMer is? Go

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