I find it depressing that the Daily Mail is the world's most visited news site. 
I go there for a laugh and to understand my enemy, but - judging by the 
comments - a lot of people really go for their brand of right wing insanity. No 
wonder the country is in such a mess! 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <s3raphita@...> wrote:

 Off topic, but I was surprised to see that the Daily Mail has overtaken the 
The New York Times to become the world's most visited newspaper website. The 
biggest increase in readers has been in the USA. 

 It's not so much that the Mail's site is so fantastic (though it is 
user-friendly) but more that American on-line editions are so bland. In fact, 
American newspapers are pretty boring IMHO - which is quite surprising given 
that America is a world leader in TV news. American newspapers are too sober 
and too old-fashioned in their layout. Yes, you have tabloid trash like The 
Enquirer (which are fun) but there's a lack of striking design and engaging 
reporting in the serious papers. 

 Long, long ago I used to read The Christian Science Monitor which was quite 
good and highly respected (despite its title!). Don't know if it has lost the 
plot in recent years.

 Just saying.

 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Um, I don't really think that's a "message" such believers have gotten. Some 
do like to try to hook up paranormal stuff to physics, others don't think it 
makes much sense. I mean, this guy is just making a fairly standard dualist 
claim about mind and matter--mind and brain--being separate (brain being the 
receiver, mind the signal). Maybe he explains it in more detail in the book, 
but in this article he just seems to be saying, you know, "Mind and brain are 
separate because quantum physics."

 I also don't think the Daily Mail did a very good job of making his cases 
sound convincing. Pretty messy. But, yes, fun to read.



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

 Another book on reincarnation for those who are interested in the possibility. 

 The article drew my eye because of a claim that quantum physics may hold the 
key - but I don't see how from the article here but it's good that the people 
with beliefs of life in the great beyond have got the message that whatever 
ideas they have they are going to *have* to fit in with physics.

 Funny how the Daily Mail seems to be on a spiritual trip these days, doesn't 
seem to suit them somehow. All good fun as far as I'm concerned...




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