Emily wrote:
> > Of course the reality is, Judy was *extremely helpful* to all of us during 
> > the "Neo-transition" period. Barry crashes and burns again:
> How? By bitching about the new interface, failing to understand the
> market it was created for (mobiles), and encouraging people to write to
> Yahoo to get them to dump the new in favor of the old? Yeah, that sure
> worked. Luddite Lib. :-)

 Uh, no, dumbass. By figuring out how to use the fucker and then explaining it 
to the rest of you. 

 Barry's lost it. Obviously it doesn't matter if Neo was created for mobiles; 
most of us aren't using mobiles (not just on FFL but across Yahoo Groups). And 
Barry, of course, has no idea just how dysfunctional Neo is, because it hasn't 
yet been imposed on him. Nor does he have any concept of how huge the backlash 
against Neo is, because he's incurious.

 It's not just Yahoo Groups, either. Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Sports, Yahoo Finance, 
and Flickr have also gotten the Neo treatment, followed by similar tsunamis of 
protest from users who find the new versions impossible to work with because 
they're so poorly designed and implemented.

 One anti-Neo group turned up a leaked internal Yahoo memo pleading with 
employees to switch from Outlook to Yahoo Mail. Despite several previous pleas 
from management, 75 percent of the employees stuck with Outlook, knowing their 
company correspondence would be compromised if they tried to conduct it on 
Yahoo Mail.

 BTW, all I said about signing the petition to bring back Classic was, "Can't 

 But it's kinda cute how stupid Barry can be sometimes. He thinks he's 
insulting me by scornfully calling me a Luddite, having completely forgotten 
that only a month or so ago he was calling himself a Luddite:

 "Those of us tech Luddites who lament the passing of the classic 
 interface are pissing into the wind; no attention will be paid to us
 because we are the past, and Yahoo is aiming at the future."


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