---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita wrote:
> > Re I stayed out of the latest tempest-in-a-pisspot discussions of the Big 
> > Bang, and how REEEAAALLY STOOOPID some people here think those who don't 
> > believe in it are,: 
> I think it was the other way around. Ie, me saying how credulous people are 
> in *believing* in the Big Bang ie, in believing the mass of 
> 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars could be squashed into a point when 
> there are other speculations like Fred Hoyle's steady-state theory which 
> don't require that Bang hypothesis. As cosmology is now having to get to 
> grips with dark energy (about which it hasn't a clue) it's all up for grabs 
> again. I'd love it if the Big Bang theory got overthrown just to see the 
> sheepish looks on the faces of those who've solemnly told us it was gospel 
> truth.

 I think I was riffing more off of jr-esq's kneejerk putdowns of Stephen 
Hawking and anyone who doesn't believe in 1) a Big Bang and 2) that God was the 
banger. :-)

I'm just always amused at the kneejerk reactions to anyone (often moi, 
admittedly) who suggests that no such concept as "God" is necessary to explain 
the universe, or even the fairly simple belief that the universe has no 
beginning or end. I honestly think that many of the knee-jerkers can't get past 
their indoctrination early in life that there IS a God, damnit, and there WAS a 
Creation, damnit, becuz God said so, in one of those books He wrote. :-)

 Bawwy, your "amusement" resembles a twisted sense of perversity fueled by some 
strange need to distance yourself from the human race. Does it ever get lonely 
out there? 

Me, (I always love how Bawwy starts these sentence, with the infinite and 
all-powerful "Me") I find the notion of an infinite, eternal universe with no 
"God" or intelligence behind it FAR more interesting and inspiring than I find 
the silly notion that it was all created by a "God." But then again, I have no 
need to believe that there is a "Plan" or a "Reason" for all of this -- for the 
universe, for the earth, or for each of us. I am completely comfortable with it 
all being a form of chaotic controlled folly, "reality" being determined by 
nothing more (or less) than the combined sentience of all sentient beings in 
the universe.

 Of course you are, dear boy, because you believe yourself to be egoless, 
needless, totally comfortable within the "chaos" that is your mind and your 
life. You literally stew in its juices and because you have no ability to 
extricate yourself from the soup you have to claim you are happier than a pig 
in shi, er, stew.

But go figure. Some people get REALLY bent out of shape (like Ann just did) 
when someone believes something different than they believe. And when they get 
their panties in a twist over this, they tend to lash out. 

 Hee, if you think that was "lashing" out you are one big sissy boy. There is a 
funny term, what is it, a panty waist? Only I think you have a bit of a thing 
for the twisting of the knickers, n'est-ce pas? 

It happens. I tend to ignore it, because in my experience it tends to happen to 
people whose opinions I really couldn't give a shit about.  :-)

 Oh Bawwy, sweetie pie, you're breakin' my twisted heart. 



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