Judy has a rap sheet that goes back nineteen years and so everyone on the internet knows by now that she's a bossy little dog-type ankle-biter. She's been hauled before the court of newsgroup opinion more times than I can count. Apparently she's got one single defender left on this discussion board. it looks like everyone else knows that in fact, she is the troll. Go figure.

On 12/15/2013 9:51 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

I don't think you could be suggesting that I have a "rap sheet a mile long" of falsehoods, Feste. Because that would be one unholy whopper of a falsehood.

I think you've got your metaphor a little confused too. It was Share who was hauled into court, and if she can be said to have "gotten off," it wasn't because her case was airtight, but because the judge and the defense attorneys were corrupt and ignored the unimpeachable evidence.

Feste attempted a comeback:

<< Oh auth, don’t make me laugh. You remind me of a perp who has a rap sheet a mile long. Then one day she gets hauled into court on a misdemeanour charge and because the case is not airtight, she gets off. But instead of slinking off and thanking her good fortune, she yells at the prosecutor and demands an apology. She just won’t shut up. But everyone just laughs because they know what a serial offender she is, and her courtroom antics merely bring attention to it. >>

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