It looks like Judy altered her "macro" once again. In fact, this is either a new message that she typed up; or it is a macro message she copied and pasted from Microsoft Word; or that she in fact, is fibbing about the whole thing. That's what I think.

On 12/16/2013 9:31 AM, wrote:

This is all trolling and lying, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except Xeno and, obviously, Richard) takes Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.

Richard trolled and lied:

<< So, how exactly are you going to create macro key in Microsoft Word and then transfer it to Neo? You probably meant you'd create a macro in Word, then copy and paste the message into the Neo text box. But, you didn't say that and you didn't explain why you'd want to do that in the first place. Go figure.

We all know that you're at your computer using Microsoft Word all day, but your statement was an attempt at deception. Never mind that the reason you wanted to do it was goofy as hell and just a foolish attempt to avoid a fair debate. Everyone knows you can't create a macro in Word using just a single keystroke anyway. >>

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