Generally it's fear that makes the old fogies take refuge in MDs. My experience with "quacks" were ones that had an MD license on the wall not ones with a naturopathic, chiropractic or ayurvedic license or training. There are MDs who managed to get themselves through college (often with daddy or mommy's help) to join the "family business" so they could play golf more. They are shitty at medicine.

About the only pharmaceuticals I ever use are the antibiotics the dentist may prescribe because you only need to take them for a couple days and they don't imbalance me. HOWEVER, when I had a tooth extracted they gave me some Vioxx which practically drove me nuts so I put it on my allergies list (which includes sulfa) but then I believe it has been taken off market.

In the Seattle area I had a wholistic MD whose wife was an acupuncturist. At the time the MD was thinking about taking the ayurvedic course for doctors that MAPI offered. My ayurvedic doctor here in the Bay Area was also an MD and took both the MAPI and Dr. Lad courses for doctors.

And I had considered going into medicine, my jyotish chart is very good for it (as Chakrapani pointed out). Just too much study and work to do even around age 30 which was when I considered it with encouragement from my aunt who was involved in the WHO (and probably might have taken issue with their codex ideas on supplements). Instead I've taken a number of workshops on the subject and enjoy reading lots of opinions by various practitioners.

On 12/18/2013 12:50 PM, Share Long wrote:
noozguru, like most meditators I know, I cave when the doc prescribes antibiotic. Fear of death prevails! But even 2 decades ago I successfully used Chinese herbs for 2 different conditions. And currently take echinecea to bolster my immune system. So I mostly do natural remedies and I think a lot of meditators in FF do similarly. Even though we're old fogies! (-:

On Wednesday, December 18, 2013 1:46 PM, Bhairitu <> wrote: Apparently I need to do a reader's digest version for Judy. But what the writer was pointing out that the problem with many supplements are the cheap ones that big pharma makes which indeed does seem a bit contradictive. Real natural health practitioners will be very fussy about supplement sources (as I pointed out as did the article). And if you actually have enough background in the supplement therapy you can also use some of the cheap supplements too for certain conditions. It''s all just biochemistry (which as I've said before that a friend who went to medical school told me many of the students were lousy at).

Also this trying to stop supplements has been going on for ages. It won't go anywhere because even standard medicine uses supplements for some things. But the funny thing is the pseudo scientific 'tude I'm seeing here against natural medicine. Back in the 1970s my fellow TM'ers were interested in alternative medicine and supported local MDs, naturopaths and chiropractors who used it. Remember MMY hadn't blessed us with his brand of ayurveda yet. I guess some of the folks here have turned into old fogies seeking salvation by being pharmadicts standing in line at CVS or Walgreens to get their fix.

On 12/18/2013 10:09 AM, <> wrote:
Translation: Bhairitu can't figure out why he (and the writer of the article) contradicted himself either...

Can anyone else here explain it?

Bhairitu wrote:

<< Apparently this issue for discussion is above your pay grade. ;-) >>

    On 12/18/2013 06:37 AM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:

*Wait. First you said Big Pharma wanted the supplement market all to itself. That doesn't jibe with making the public terrified of supplements, period.*

*Bhairitu wrote:*

Because the public doesn't know which are theirs and which are not. They just want the public terrified of supplements period and then sell them the higher profit "Brave New World" pharmaceuticals.

    On 12/17/2013 02:48 PM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...>

*Bhairitu wrote:*

<< Big pharma is after the supplement market and wants it all to themselves. >>

*But but but...according to the Natural News article you linked to, Big Pharma arranged for all the testing to be done on its own supplements. Why would it do that knowing the study results would be negative and that folks would be discouraged from using supplements generally?*

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