--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> Rick booted indifferent_netizen, who seems to have been Ravi. It
appears that Ravi is subscribed under another ID, and by using the hide
email address option and constantly changing Yahoo aliases, he can post
as he pleases and not get booted off. That's the price of Rick
configuring FFL for anonymous posting.

Having just scrolled in Message View through the list of 86 posts made
since I logged out last night, and having not found a single one that I
felt like clicking on to read, I've gotta respond to Alex's drive-by
with a hearty "I told you so."

The problem is not anonymous posting; the problem is using this place as
a forum for ego-wars and petty squabbles, and mistaking them for
intelligent conversation. 825 posts since midnight Friday, and over half
of them fall into the above category, posted by only a handful of
people. This handful have by now established enough of a "track record"
that I feel safe in ignoring anything they have to say for the rest of
the incarnation.

The old posting limits may have been a pain for you, Alex, but they kept
this place *somewhat* readable and worth visiting. I have to say it's
gone past that point now. I scan the list of posts and the only names
I'm even tempted to click  on are anartaxius and s3raphita and Bhairitu
and merudanda and steve.sundur and occasionally emptybill and

Doc occasionally posts something interesting and non-"Look At Me" these
days but it's difficult to tell from the first few words in Message View
so I usually give his posts a pass just to be sure. Share seems to have
two qualities her tormentors do not -- range and an ability to feel
positive emotion -- but to be honest most of the things she's interested
in I'm not, so I often skip her posts, too. MichaelJ and Edg are
occasionally funny, so I sometimes give their posts a shot.

I *understand* that the old posting limits were a pain for you, Alex,
and I don't blame you in the least for wanting them gone. But I DO have
to point out that what many warned of as the consequence of getting rid
of them seems to have come to pass, in spades.

There are essentially NO new posters; who would *want* to come here,
given what the place has degenerated into? Some of the old voices have
moved on as well, possibly partially because of Neo, but my bet is they
don't see anything here worth participating in, either.

I guess in a way I should be thankful, because my "reading" of Fairfield
Life now takes less than five minutes a day. That suits me just fine,
because I actually have a life, and things to do.

Sad though, that so few could have been allowed to ruin a place that was
formerly enjoyed by many...

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