Mike, I don't agree with you that "What he spoke was truth," but the rest of 
this is extremely well said.
Mike wrote:

 << Saraphita, Phil Robertson didn't say it on the program, he said it in a 
magazine interview. What he spoke was truth, however it wasn't the truth that 
is sweet. It was quite rude, crude and offensive to some. His comments were not 
limited to scripture and were very opinionated. I'm all for free speech myself 
but A&E has that right as well.< What I find particularly offensive is 
justifying his comments as Biblical and in line with the teachings of Christ. 
Phil has knowledge of His teachings but has not put it into practice very well, 
in this case. Look at the story of the adulteress that was brought to Christ 
for judgment. Never once did He condemn her or chastise her, though she was 
guilty as *sin*. He did chastise the crowd, including the Pharisees that 
brought her to Him, demanding judgment. Sin is between man/woman and God, not 
society. Hours before Christ was taken into captivity, He gave those that 
follow him a new and eleventh commandment, *to love one another as He has loved 
them* and that was without condition because all are sinners. Phil Robertson 
would do well to study and meditate upon that scripture and learn to put it 
into practice. Judge not lest ye be judged. Every birth is a learning 
experience. He'll work it out. >>


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