On 12/20/2013 12:00 PM, bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

An Open Letter to Share and Turq:

Been thinking about you two getting stomped here on a fairly regular basis, especially during this Holiday season, and its just not right.

So, I am proposing to team up, with you two, to even things out, and we'll take on Joyless Judy, Eviscerating Emily, and All-bad Ann - a bundle of sticks is harder to break than one, and all that.

I figure I could at least lend you some consulting advice, during the ongoing fray - and not to hint, or anything (I have already paid for my presents, for this year), but Bitcoins are sort of a big deal, now - an account, in my name, perhaps? Pay for play.

Anyway, think about it, my heart bleeds a little every time I see you on the wrong end of things. Peace.
According to your plan, Bob, somebody owes me at least a thousand bucks for being the top poster and for standing up for Share this year; and for pointing out all of Judy's fibs; and for citing Ann for being prejudice; and for putting Barry down for his hubris. I have a PayPal account - just send the money to willy...@paypal.com. Thanks.


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