---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 wrote:
> And by the way, it's [the dots as emphasis thang] not a "convention." If it 
> is anything, it is a fad adopted by a few writers who have little idea about 
> why grammar exists and what constitutes good writing. 

 Exactly. The scary thing is that it's being presented as a "standard" by 
someone who claims to be an editor. 

 Yes, extremely scary. So scary, in fact, that I think, as of this moment I 
will abandon all usage of punctuation in the form of periods from now on in an 
attempt to avoid such a scary scenario as actually using too many of them, 
don't you think that would be a good idea? (Question marks appear to be safe) 
Now if you will excuse me I need to run on into 
lack-of-punctuation-with-periods eternity and in so doing I just might find 
that elusive thing some people refer here as enlightenment or self realization 
By the way thank you for your usual, generous insights I don't know what we all 
would do without them Perhaps we will never have the opportunity to find out I 
am finding this lack of period thing helpful, how about you?

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