On 12/23/2013 8:04 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
Robin was never serious on this forum about "attacking" or denigrating or questioning Judy.
Let's just say Robin was less than impressed with Judy's attack stance, calling Robin "Zebra Boy" in a really talking down to him with childish comments like "Back of Buster". That's Judy's typical attack mode. Go figure.

And, Robin was obviously unhappy about getting outed and his real name revealed by the other mean girl, Raunchydog. You three, with some help from Barry, Vaj, and Bob tried your best to get rid of Robin, the first fully enlightened TMer. After reading all of Robin's messages I get the feeling that Robin thinks you are all idiots. You guys don't even deserve someone of Robin's intellectual caliber on this forum. Gawd! It was just embarrassing!

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