<< > RR at 125. Is this a record yet? And what does it mean? 


 Not even *close* to a record. Back *before* the posting limits were created, 
several people including Judy often made more posts than this a week. >>


 It's to be expected that Barry would jump on this as an opportunity to stalk 
me, and of course to do it with lies.

 In the first place, as Barry knows, the 125 total of RIchard's posts was as of 
Wednesday. By Friday, he'll have gone well above his previous record of 

 Before posting limits, I rarely made more than 160 posts per week.

 And as Barry knows, the situation back then was so different that it can't 
legitimately be compared to what it is now. I'll get to that when I deal with 
the rest of Barry's posts this morning.


 << But mark my words...the next thing that's going to happen is that the Mean 
Girls are going to start calling for Posting Limits again, now that they're the 
people being stalked, instead of the stalkers... >>

 That's not why Ann and I wished a limit could be imposed again. Richard 
couldn't stalk his way out of a paper bag, first of all. Second, it's the 
outlandish number of all his mostly meaningless posts that's the problem. If 
his only posts were those stalking Ann and me, that would be no trouble to deal 

 And BTW, Barry knew when he wrote this that we had already expressed this 
wish, although he's pretending here to be predicting it. How pathetic is that? 
Especially for the dude who claims he doesn't care what anybody thinks of him.

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