On 12/26/2013 11:46 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
*People who have been caught in falsehoods, as I pointed out not long ago, have a tendency to misuse the term "lie" in the hope of making the person who caught them look as bad as they do. You do this, Barry does this, Richard does this. It's malicious and cowardly and deeply dishonest.*
This is false; it's malicious and cowardly and deeply dishonest. You have been caught, and you have a tendency to misuse the term "lie" and "parody" in the hope of making us look as bad as you do. You do this all the time - it's your MO. What you're really objecting to is that you simply don't like what others say.

You lie every time you call someone else a liar. That's just your own defense mechanism at work and now it's just not working anymore. You can only shout "fire" in a crowded theater a few times before you get found out. You are just posing as a lie detector - in truth you don't really know anyone's intent on an internet forum. Unless you are a mind reader that can perform at a great distance.

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