As Richard himself admitted in post #368186, nothing he says is to be taken 

 Especially this post. What it amounts to is Richard trying to tell as many 
lies as he can come up with. He seems to be in competition with Barry in this 

 This is the sort of thing that happens, BTW, when the kind of corruption I've 
been warning about is allowed to flourish by the rest of the community. 
Commitment to the truth is thrown to the winds, and there are no limits on the 
expression of deliberate untruth.

 I knew basically nothing about him, his silly posturing back in the day being 
long after my time in the TMO. So pretty much the only things I had to judge 
him by were his posts. And the posts, from Day One, were insane. Stark, raving 
bonkers. I don't think I've encountered a more classic example of abusive 
Narcissistic Personality Disorder in my life. 
 Robin is one of those figures that is frequently mentioned in TM lore - the 
first fully enlightened man to come out of the TMO. Apparently Robin hired a 
helicopter to distribute leaflets over the MUM campus announcing his state of 
enlightenment to all the residents and students.
 There was a query posted years ago on Google Groups asking if anyone had heard 
anything about Robin, but there was no reply. So, he seemed to have dropped off 
the radar. As far as I can tell, Robin formed a group up in Canada for awhile, 
but it apparently blew up in his face. Ann would probably know more about this. 
Apparently Ann was under his spell for quite some time.
 According to what I've read, Robin became enamored with the Ayatollah Khomeini 
over in Iran, and wrote a half-dozen small booklets in praise of the cleric. 
That alone would lead any intelligent person to question Robin's state of mind. 
When that didn't pan out, as he expected, he joined the Catholic Church to 
become a priest. Then, for some reason we don't know, he came here after thirty 
years and started posting long messages about Catholicism.
 He was almost completely self-absorbed, and didn't seem to give a shit about 
the people he was supposedly conversing with (the "wall of words" being a 
classic example of both). And he was manipulative to the max. The more stories 
that came out about his past, and how manipulative and abusive he'd been as a 
minor cult leader, the more obvious it was that *nothing had changed*, and that 
he was still trying to run the same numbers on naive FFLers. So I wrote him 
off. I've spent far too much time with crazy, abusive people to want to spend 
any time conversing with another one. 
 You may be correct about this - Robin seemed to be attempting to recruit some 
informants for his own use. He easily recruited Judy and Ann to help him form a 
new Robin cult. There was some resistance from you and I and from Steve, but he 
mostly ignored us and concentrated mainly on Judy and Ann, who seemed to be his 
main enablers. They probably looked like easy prey to Robin. Judy seemed to be 
really in thrall at his postings and engaged him on many levels, seemingly to 
encourage him in his recruiting efforts. That is, until he turned on her and 
exposed her in a long farewell message, which Judy took to be a spoof.
 The thing that surprised me, however, was how some people on FFL *fell for his 
act*. Some actually seemed to be able to plow through his narcissistic 
stuck-in-his-mind egobabble, and some seemed to actually like it. I wrote that 
off as, "There's simply no accounting for taste."
 Robin is a master manipulator that's fer sure. But, it's not a matter of taste 
- it's a clear case of mind control. We've seen this in several cases before, 
and nobody could see this more clearly than yourself. You seem to be a master 
yourself - at recognizing master manipulators. All those years of studying the 
tactics of mind controllers has really paid off in your case!
 But a few -- most notably Judy and Ann -- actually fell for his act enough to 
become *disciples*. They fawned over him like teenagers stalking a rock star, 
seemingly unaware that the only rock star Robin was the counterpart of was "Fat 
Elvis." I felt mainly embarrassed for these people, and fearful for what their 
failure to see how crazy he was said about what TM had done to them. The *lack* 
of discrimination was downright scary. 
 This still remains the case. Just read some of the messages posted in Robin's 
defense by Judy and Ann. Apparently Ann is still in communication with Robin up 
to just a few days ago,via email exchanges. I wouldn't be surprised if Ann 
didn't invite Robin back over here to discuss his "spoof" message about Judy. 
He'll probably return any day to pick up where he left off. Go figure.
 *From my point of view*, Robin barely tolerated his groupies here. He almost 
never had any long conversations with either Judy or Ann, preferring to "save 
himself" for more classic NPD goals. He wanted to "win over" those he perceived 
as having some charisma or personal power, and "convert" *them* to become his 
 Most of the time Robin seemed to be carrying on a conversation with himself 
and with a few comments thrown in from the peanut gallery. Mostly just soft 
comments, nothing that would really challenge his sophistry. Judy apparently 
thinks Robin was brilliant and Ann seemed to be still in his control most of 
the time. He didn't post anything I'd be interested in, like yoga or meditation 
or stuff. About the last thing I'd want to post comments on would be orthodox 
or even unorthodox  Catholic doctrine. I can't think of anything more boring! 
But, it is remarkable how Robin sucked several of our informants into a long 
dialog about Saul's supposed experienc on the road to Damascus.
 At this he failed miserably, and they laughed at him. Not able to handle that, 
he switched over to Abuse Mode again, and tried the same act Judy has been 
running for years -- yell at people and insult and abuse them and accuse them 
of things *until* they respond by arguing with him. He failed at that, too, and 
then when Curtis blew him off and he realized how badly his act was bombing, he 
ran away and hid. Again. 
 Curtis certainly made some valid refutations of Robin's spiritual views - but 
I could tell that Curtis was just not all that interested in what Robin had to 
say. Most of the conversation seemed to revolve around Judy and Vaj, with a few 
comments by Ann and Ravi. Another remarkable thing about this subject is that 
Curtis got drawn into the mind control attempt - even Curtis seemed to fall for 
the manipulation. Robin's is a master at drawing people into his orbit, even if 
they are opposed to his mind control efforts.
 Running away and hiding seems to be the only thing Robin Carlsen was ever good 
at. The very *idea* of anyone being "jealous" of Robin Carlsen just doesn't 
compute, if you any degree of perception going for you. How could someone 
possibly be jealous of a dangerously disturbed psychopath?
 I'm pointing this all out again for the benefit of possible newbie lurkers. 
Quite a few people on this forum thought Robin was crazy as a loon. Some of 
them knew him "back in the day," and agreed with my assessment that *nothing 
had changed*, and that he was as abusive and manipulative in the present as he 
was in the past. They made their views of him -- both past and present -- very 
 There' nothing quite like a cult leader scorned. Sometimes they will go to 
great lengths in order to recruit new members to the cult: flattery, threats, 
revisionism and ego reinforcement. The gullible are highly susceptible to these 
kinds of suggestibility - the quality of being inclined to accept and act on 
the suggestions of others.
 So don't fall for the sugar-coated fantasies of him trotted out by his 
remaining two cult groupies here. They're still trying to find some way to 
justify why they glommed on to and defended a psychopath, and to put down the 
much larger number of posters who figured out he was one within a few days of 
his arrival on the forum. 
 Usually, suggestibility decreases as a persons age increases. But, sometimes 
an individuals levels of self-esteem, if very low, can make them even more 
susceptible to suggestion. Psychologists call this a "spectrum of 
suggestibility" which can last for decades or longer. When confronted with the 
reality of their condition, these types of people often resort to lashing out 
in order to defend their cult leader. Go figure.

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