This is such deep and elaborate fantasy from Barry that there's no real way to 
address it. It's a function of how threatened he was by Robin. Barry's response 
to feeling threatened has always been to go to insane extremes to demonize the 
person who threatens him, no matter how far from reality he has to go. This 
post is an example.

 I'm just going to pick out a couple of points that are representative of the 
unreality of Barry's portrayal of Robin:

 << *From my point of view*, Robin barely tolerated his groupies here. He 
almost never had any long conversations with either Judy or Ann, preferring to 
"save himself" for more classic NPD goals. >>

 Barry is literally unable to imagine that Robin could have made use of other 
ways of communicating with the people on FFL he wanted to talk to besides via 
FFL. That's how badly Barry needs to believe Robin "barely tolerated" Ann and 
me. Both of us had extensive friendly contact with Robin via email (initiated 
by him, as it happens). I'm guessing we weren't the only ones, but others will 
have to confirm that.

 And of course Barry's wrong even just regarding Robin's interactions on FFL. 
He had long conversations with both Ann and me, as well as with Raunchy and 
Emily and Paligap and others (most notoriously Share). Somehow Barry's "point 
of view" manages to exclude all that.

 And this is factual stuff, not just opinion, that Barry has completely wrong. 

 He wanted to "win over" those he perceived as having some charisma or personal 
power, and "convert" *them* to become his admirers/disciples. 

At this he failed miserably, and they laughed at him. Not able to handle that, 
he switched over to Abuse Mode again, and tried the same act Judy has been 
running for years -- yell at people and insult and abuse them and accuse them 
of things *until* they respond by arguing with him. He failed at that, too, and 
then when Curtis blew him off and he realized how badly his act was bombing, he 
ran away and hid. Again. 

Running away and hiding seems to be the only thing Robin Carlsen was ever good 

 All the above is just bonkers. It's SO bonkers I seriously doubt even Barry 
believes it. If anyone wants me to expand on this, let me know. 

 The very *idea* of anyone being "jealous" of Robin Carlsen just doesn't 
compute, if you any degree of perception going for you. How could someone 
possibly be jealous of a dangerously disturbed psychopath?

 This is the key. If Barry can make Robin into a "dangerously disturbed 
psychopath" in his fantasies, then he doesn't have to acknowledge how jealous 
he was. He does the same kind of thing with me, albeit not to quite such 

I'm pointing this all out again for the benefit of possible newbie lurkers. 
Quite a few people on this forum thought Robin was crazy as a loon. Some of 
them knew him "back in the day," and agreed with my assessment that *nothing 
had changed*, and that he was as abusive and manipulative in the present as he 
was in the past. They made their views of him -- both past and present -- very 

 "Newbie lurkers" should know that the only FFL regular who knew Robin "back in 
the day" was Ann, who obviously does not agree with Barry's "assessment." One 
person, LordKnows, showed up briefly on FFL to denounce Robin back in August 
2012, more than a year after Robin had joined FFL. One other showed up around 
the same time to leave a post peddling a book he'd written about his 
experiences with Robin's group; that person's wife, "Brahmi," left a single 
hit-and-run post demonizing Robin.

 So it's seriously (and deliberately) misleading for Barry to say "some of the 
people on this forum" agreed with him.

 Note further how ludicrous it is for Barry to have an "assessment" of whether 
Robin had changed from 30-plus years ago in the first place, given that Barry 
had never encountered Robin until June 2011 here on FFL. The insane illogic of 
that claim is one more sign that he simply isn't reading from reality.

 So don't fall for the sugar-coated fantasies of him trotted out by his 
remaining two cult groupies here. They're still trying to find some way to 
justify why they glommed on to and defended a psychopath, and to put down the 
much larger number of posters who figured out he was one within a few days of 
his arrival on the forum.


 Actually Ann and I feel no need to "justify" our appreciation of Robin; and 
Barry would be extremely hard-put to establish that there was a "much larger 
number of posters" who thought Robin was crazy than who thought he was prettty 
neat. Robin had more fans here than Barry is willing to acknowledge, and not 
all that many enemies.

 Robin was (still is, presumably) a very powerful personality, there's no 
question about that, also ferociously intelligent. It appears to me that folks 
who are basically insecure are the most likely to react to him negatively, 
while those who have more self-confidence are capable of appreciating him as he 


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