On 1/1/2014 9:00 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

 > why not put this thing about "risen" into your own words
 > so that there is not this ambiguity about what "risen" means?
The term "risen" means in this context that Jesus had risen from the 
grave - Jesus was resurrected  from the dead. His soul rose up out of 
the body to become a spirit. It's the central doctrine of Christianity. 
Most Christians follow the Nicene Creed and a belief in the resurrection 
miracle of the resurrection of Jesus and a resurection of the dead. 
According to the Gospel of Matthew, after Jesus's resurrection, many of 
those previously dead came out of their tombs and entered Jerusalem, 
where they appeared to many.

 > I daresay 9/10ths of the world doesn't know who Mary Magdalene
 > is - if they think America became a country 2013 years ago
 > (according to Barry) or that the world began 6000 years ago
 > (according to John Esq) then I seriously doubt they could tell
 > a Magdalene from a magpie.
Non sequitur.

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