Everything is accounted for Judy, "down to the last jot and tittle", also 
called Karma.

 Did it ever occur to you that those born with those genital defects were 
actually gender confused in previous lives and did the very thing transsexuals 
are doing today with their bodies?  Could being born with the genitals of both 
sexes be the just working out of the willful behavior of that individual?, you 
don't know do you Judy?!,  you don't have any answers, you just don't like mine.

 BTW, the 'cure' for those with GID (Gender Identity Disorder) is not indulging 
in it but rather beginning the practice of meditation to find one's identity 
with the Self or the Soul (the inner happiness MMY talks about) thereby 
rendering the relative sex of the physical body mute, irrelevant since one is 
not identified with it, but with the soul.....

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 It's SO much more complex than this biologically, BillyG. What about people, 
for example, who are born with indeterminate genitals, or genitals of both 
sexes? There's a whole range of possibilities that your formula doesn't account 

 “Everybody’s Inner Being is Pure Happiness”, MMY. This inner happiness is 
consciousness itself, being formless it takes on bodies of a Male or Female 
nature in alternating incarnations on Earth to learn the lessons of life.
 Being incarnated sometimes Male and sometimes Female gives the formless Soul 
the full opportunity to experience the full range of experiences of the heart 
(female) and mind (male).
 This brings in to question the ‘erroneous’ idea that one can be born “in the 
WRONG sex”. How can the soul, being sexless, be in the wrong sex? In addition, 
how can one really ‘change’ one’s sex? Surgically one can remove  sexual organs 
and chemically/hormonally grow breasts, but how about the subtle nature of the 
physical body, yes, the etheric body?
 It is said in esoteric literature that the WHOLE man/woman is both negative or 
female AND positive or male!

 In a Man the outer physical body is positive or masculine and his subtle 
etheric body is negative or feminine/passive; conversely in the Female the 
outer physical body is negative/feminine and the inner subtle body is positive 
or masculine. Can science eradicate or alter ‘these’ characteristics of the 
 Until modern man can understand the inner nature of man and his subltle bodies 
he will be unable to understand the nature of the soul and the mistaken notion 
that the soul can be born ‘in the wrong sex’, IMHO.

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