Re "The Bechdel Test. To pass a film must:
1. Have at least two women -- with names -- in it
 2. Who talk to each other
 3. About something besides a man":

 What's the point of the Bechdel Test?  Some films - war movies? prison movies? 
- may work best *without* any women. It's a man's world out there.

 The Disney "20,000 Leagues under the Sea" was an all-male, claustrophobic 
classic - the first "steampunk" movie. The 1997 TV movie version introduced a 
woman. Now the problem with introducing a woman is that it changes the dynamic 
of the set-up. A central aspect then becomes: "OK, who's going to end up 
bedding the girl?". That distraction then diffuses the tension of the major 
plot theme. 

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