It is currently 67 degrees here. I have the door between the garage and kitchen open since the garage will heat the kitchen up more for free. I have also opened the front door for the warmer air to come in. The shingles reflect sunlight which is good for summer and not so good for winter.

Just one more thing to try to keep my energy bill down since the December one arrived yesterday (they do this by smart meter) and it was more than twice the one for December. Most of that was for natural gas which the water heater and furnace use. Usually that part of the bill is around $8. I have also dropped the furnace setting to 60 degrees and "hold temp". Maybe some wall insulation would have helped. After the shingles were installed in 2007 I had more insulation installed in the attic bringing it up to code.

This all wouldn't be so bad if the clear skies didn't bring the temperature down to the 30s at night.

On 01/03/2014 08:58 PM, wrote:

*Om hell we had worst than even that. I get city-dweller folks who finding I am a livestock man ask me how my animals are doing in this. Hell my animals are built by natural law for this. They needs good food, good water and good shelter that is out of the winds and they do really fine with it. These same people never ask me with any empathy how I the livestock man actually out in it are doing with this. City people are just clueless in real life. Merde, this ain't bad we've had a lot worst. Ask me in a couple days when it is supposed to be really bad with really low temps on the thermometer and some high winds too. We have had even worst though. *

*-Buck, 200 percent on the Range and in the Dome*

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