Please do call them assholes!

---In, <> wrote:

 Ah, Judy - I appreciate your precision. True...though I think I can still call 
them 'assholes' (biased artist). :-)


 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 OK. I don't think it was deliberate, though, just incompetent. They'd 
apparently taken some care to avoid bombing heritage sites, and when Iraqi 
troops holed up inside the museum and shot at them from there, they didn't 
return fire for fear of damaging the artifacts (this was before the looting 
started). It just seems not to have occurred to them that looting would be a 
major problem.

 Which was incredibly STOOOOOOOPID but not likely malicious.

 ---In, <> wrote:

 I should have mentioned that I was aware of that [no direct looting, that we 
know of, by US forces]. However, the invaders, with the might of countless 
soldiers, and weapons, did absolutely *nothing* to prevent it - even though 
other strategic targets were protected for their contents. Assholes.

 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 I agree the rationale for the invasion was a lie, but I'm missing the 
connection with the looting of the museum. It wasn't the U.S. invaders who 

The early reporting was sensationalized and wildly exaggerated. Not that it 
wasn't a catastrophe for the museum, but it wasn't as bad as at first thought.

 ---In, <> wrote:

 "...the "cultural loss" I was referring to was the looting of the Iraqi 
National Museum during the 2003 invasion..."

I recall during that time - despite all of the national rhetoric and will, 
being at its peak, with everybody screaming to save Iraq from itself - when I 
heard that their national museum had been looted, I knew without a doubt that 
it was all a lie. Similar to our 'liberation' of Afghanistan, with its now 
flourishing more than ever, opium trade. 

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