On 2/9/2014 10:29 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

it's a trick prick foul trap fib - that's what it was. Go figure.
    You're just feeling icky, not to mention prickly, that Robin
    pulled a fast one on Ricky and not a bit tickled that you ended up
    in such a pickle. If you act quickly you can pretend you were
    sickly and thus missed the tricky schtick.

Let me rephrase that: it's was a trick prick foul trap fib that Robin posted designed to entrap , just like his enlightenment experience that he wrote about - a parody of himself. What Robin didn't write about was that he was sending private emails to Ann and Judy in order to get Barry on a newsgroup. That's pretty tricky, if true.


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