On 2/10/2014 6:43 PM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com wrote:
I mean Robin always seemed to be changing his mind about things. I don't think I am along in not knowing when he was being ironic, or when he was being serious.
You've got to wonder about a guy like Robin: the first enlightened Governor of the Age of Enlightenment, certified by MMY. That's quite an accomplishment when you think about it. But, posting to FFL - what was his target audience? Maybe he thought the students or administrators at MUM read FFL. Apparently Robin didn't know that only Judy takes this discussion seriously. Go figure.

I still think Robin should write "The Confessions of Robin Carlsen." It would probably be very well received on the TM-Free Blog. But, his writing was way to long for the average FFL informant to understand because there was this tendency in Robin's postings where he tried to hoodwink people into taking him seriously.

Now, the funny thing is, that Judy apparently took Robin seriously, and so from that moment on, Robin knew he had hoodwinked The Corrector and then the rest of us would be easily hoodwinked. Robin had a little trouble with Barry, who is not easily hoodwinked, but with a little help from Judy, Robin tried to make us think that Barry was the poser, when everyone else knew that it was Robin doing the posing. Curtis saw this right away and dealt with Robin on his on level by letting Robin know that Robin was a hoodwinker trying to sell us some more snake-oil.

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