On 2/16/2014 9:57 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
*Richard is a troll and says all kinds of things that aren't true or are wildly distorted*
This message contains one falsehood and one character smear:

First, calling someone a "troll" makes assumptions about a writer's motives that are impossible to determine unless you are a mind reader. The term troll is highly subjective, and some posts will look like trolling to some while seeming like meaningful contributions to others.

The term 'Internet Troll' is frequently abused to slander opponents in heated debates and is frequently misapplied by those who are ignorant of internet etiquette.

Second, none of my messages are wildly distorted.

What is so insulting about this message is that it is posted to a thread on a spiritual help forum in a about a mental health professional being accused of unprofessional conduct. Her message in itself is abusive and similar to the very tactics Mr. Knapp is accused of using on Ms Piper - it's in fact a parody of Knapp's message Carol. Go figure..

Maybe it's time for Ms Stein to take a long sabbatical from posting - then in a year or two, when she can dialog like a professional, or a least like a decent human being, she could return - at present she is neither.

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